I'm steadily working on my chapter, and if it doesn't get released, I'm gonna be pissed. Really. Pissed. It's been some pretty hard, yet interesting work thus far, and I'm not about to see it all go to waste.
That's not to say I'd worry too much about that happening. I'm constantly in contact with The Hunter, and he appears to be working as diligently as any. If anything is dead, it's the rest of the team's inspiration to map. I swear, it doesn't look like anybody but me, Hunter, and ChickenFist have turned out anything new since 2005. That's the real problem, in my opinion.
So if necessary, reassign some of the positions, but for heavens sake, do not let the first mod team I've worked with give up.
And coldfeet, your position was taken over by ChickenFist long ago. I don't think it's needed unless he too dies on us (for the second time.)