Brushes behind Skybox Created 18 years ago2005-11-04 19:29:50 UTC by RazorBack RazorBack

Created 18 years ago2005-11-04 19:29:50 UTC by RazorBack RazorBack

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 19:29:50 UTC Post #145358
long time mapper and visitor of this site, read and learned alot here, so i rarely had any questions to post.

But now i've got one :

Is there a way to have brushes not show up behind skyboxes ?
What i mean is, i have one area with a skybox that connects to another that has higher walls. From the outdoor area i can see the walls trough the skybox... How can i make this so that it doesn't show up ?

Example :
Room A is connected with Room B by a corridor, trough the skybox on Room B i can see the outer walls of Room A.
User posted image
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance !
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 19:44:55 UTC Post #145363
You mean skybrush instead of skybox.

I dont exactly know what you mean by saying that you can see the outer walls of Room A. That would be the logical thing, unless you are making a surreal map. I think the problem is that you are seeing the inner walls of room A. There is no fast solution to this problem. Placing skybrushes in outermost sides and corners of the map is the best strategy. The problem is that room A and room B are connected by the same VISleaf. If you manage to properly use hints, you can achieve what you want.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 19:46:53 UTC Post #145364
Compile with normal or full vis and you won't see the skybox. This only happends when you compile with fast vis.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 21:44:21 UTC Post #145378
With that in mind, i opened my *.map file to compile it with full vis.
Only to find out its completely empty ?? My map file is 450kb and holds nearly 2 weeks of work and now it's all gone ?! Aargh !
Opening it with notepad gives me the full lenght of all the brushes and ents with coords in it, but Hammer doesn't load 'm in. Have I really lost all my work just like that ? .....
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 22:13:06 UTC Post #145383
No, there is a backup created every time you compile, check the DIR where you save the map (not where it compiles to, EG the Maps folder of Valve).

This isnt just a problem you get with fast vis, I have had this problem on a full compiled map, its just a bug in HL, there is no easy way to fix it, I tried making another sky brush to get in the way (in my case) and a large black cube but nothing seemed to work out, though I do think I can fix the problem now. It isnt easy, but try the full compile thing to see if it works (if you get your map back).
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 23:46:28 UTC Post #145397
backups are called the .RMX and .MAX files

to fix that the best thing to do would be a rectangular brush(like a wall) with the SKIP texture, then texture the side facing the skybox with HINT, that should fix it, if not then with some tweaks.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 06:03:52 UTC Post #145411
[m]Moved to the correct forum.[/m]
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 08:09:04 UTC Post #145429
Oh god no ..
the max file is empty to. I feel sick.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 08:25:14 UTC Post #145430
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 11:43:29 UTC Post #145447
No i had it in a map file.
Luckely I was able to recover the file by opening the map file in a texteditor (VIM). I erased the last actions i took before saving the map file in the hope it would correct the whiped out data. It did.
You can save yer map file old school style by disecting it in a texteditor :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 12:51:39 UTC Post #145455
Room A is connected with Room B by a corridor, trough the skybox on Room B i can see the outer walls of Room A.
Its the hl1 engine,its called sky-hack or something...You can see through the other room by looking thru a sky brush or box. :nuts:
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