I forgot to inbed the textures into the map before, but this version is complete and final. Another one of my not so popular "Freak" series maps. There is a LOT more to the map than just what is in the screenshot. So there ya go.
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-16 04:27:01 UTCComment #22
Obviously you guy's have a copy of all_wads.wad ? Any chance of uploading it, so those of us who don't have non standard CS wad's can enjoy this magnificent map.
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-16 05:43:54 UTCComment #24
sorry i didnt add the wad. it is a combination of every wad ive come across, so its like 200 MB. but, i imbedded all of the textures into the new file. enjoy.
Commented 7 years ago2017-12-03 23:41:53 UTCComment #21069
Those collossal, completely silent doors are hilarious, but it's obvious that's not what you were going for. There's some odd design choices in here, like the vent that you can crawl into but fall to your death in. The CT spawn area in particlar is poorly detailed and strangly laid out. As a complete package though, I could see this map working quite well for its gamemode.
Any chance of uploading it, so those of us who don't have non standard CS wad's can enjoy this magnificent map.
but still, pretty neat!