Aim Map example (plus goodies)

Counter-Strike CS
Aim Map example (plus goodies) by Peace and LOve
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-13 19:52:30 UTC • Examples • Counter-Strike
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Aim Map example (plus goodies)
Peace and LOve Peace and LOve
19 years ago2004-08-13 19:52:30 UTC
19 years ago2004-10-05 02:53:50 UTC

Includes two maps:
one on the left is an armoury_entity based fy_ map;
one on the right is a multi_manager/game_playerequip style set up.

Maps also have some basic lighting and bomb target examples.

Enjoy, I hope this helps someone.


Commented 19 years ago2004-08-14 01:37:40 UTC Comment #3330
nice looking boxes **snickers**
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-14 07:57:39 UTC Comment #3332
rofl. take a look at the brushwork, if you think the boxes are funny hahah =P
i spent a little over 15 minutes putting this together, it was focused on the entity set ups (not that they were particularly complicated lol), so please don't hurt my feelings by poking fun at my boxes.. i'm gonna cry :*(

lol =)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-07 17:45:59 UTC Comment #4347
Hmm, you flamed me because you though my maps was unfinished! Well well well.........WHAT THE HELL IS THIS USELESS PIECE OF SHIT???

HAHAHAHA ROFL! U suck so bad ass man, its so fucking funny you flame me that bad, and you suck so damn much yourself!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:50:15 UTC Comment #4544
see what i told you funz... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 11:02:59 UTC Comment #4552

this is in example maps, took no more than 30 minutes to put together, and was done as an example for someone in the forums, uhm.. it ain't supposed to be pretty, but why do I get the feeling you couldn't recreate it if you tried?


I notice you haven't flamed cs_jungle_assault, why not?

Too big for your 56k to d/l, or is it just the fact that I actually attempted mapping something old, and turned it into something new, unlike your crock of shit aztec rip offs?

And this map, once again, is in examples... not unfinished or complete, ya frickin' moron.

Go on msn if you to noobs want to flame.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 16:13:35 UTC Comment #4556
lol looks like this guy cant take criticisms too well eh funz... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 09:01:50 UTC Comment #4573
Are you two teh same person?

Or does it just seem that way, anyway.. blah blah

It's an example map, whatis there to constructively criticise?
And where is your "constructicve" criticism?

You make no coherent arguement, and no sense, please elaborate.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 12:04:26 UTC Comment #4586
lol sorry, i agree with funz... oh, and try to remember your remarks in MY example maps before you cry about criticizing example maps... lol retard :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 16:49:09 UTC Comment #4597
I called your maps useless.

This is just above useful, but seeing as the noobs don't search anymore... they never find it huh, too many 'how to make instant damage water' examples, because it's so damn hard to make water kill someone.. or to explain in words...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:53:15 UTC Comment #4605
poor fellow doesn't even remember what he said about one of my example maps. must be out of his meds... i'll refresh his memory for him:

"how about you take this crappy, ill textured, badly mappe, square, ugly, puke colored heap of fucking rotting cunt and fuck off."

lol then he cries and complains when someone rips on his map. he goes on to say:

"this is in example maps, took no more than 30 minutes to put together, and was done as an example for someone in the forums, uhm.. it ain't supposed to be pretty"

lol, poor mentally disturbed guy doesn't realize that the rest of us (who are taken seriously) have ONE stand on an issue. if we say for instance: "example maps ain't supposed to be pretty", then we shouldn't attack others for making example maps that we don't find pretty.

of course not everyone is sane and realizes that they look rediculous when they contradict themselves continuously. like when they have no maps that anyone rates above one star, yet they lash out at helpless noobs and tell them their maps are shit.

tells you a lot about someones personality (or personality disorder) when they behave like this...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:25:55 UTC Comment #4626
so I'm a schizo, does that make me less of a human being?

besides, check the dates retard, I posted as a result of you coming into my maps and talking shit about them, almost as if you were taking 'personal offence because I ripped on some guys map', so I retaliated against you.

You're not untouchable, you're a retard, deal with t.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:05:09 UTC Comment #4633
"so I'm a schizo, does that make me less of a human being?"

well, if you are capable of realizing you are mentally handicapped, shouldn't you be able to understand that you have poor behaviour? why try and defend your idiotic behaviour if you know you have emotional problems?

so, my answer is no, being mentally imballenced doesn't make you less of a human... but not taking responsibility for your behaviour does.

"besides, check the dates retard, I posted as a result of you coming into my maps and talking shit about them"

aww... poor baby. i made some constructive remarks about one of your maps and you couldn't take it, you had a meltdown, made rediulous flames against all my maps, and voted one of them 9x 1 star. lol pretty thin skin for someone who flames so many noobs :D

"almost as if you were taking 'personal offence because I ripped on some guys map"

nope, i took offense to you being a bully and acting proud because of it. but i see i've gotten you to change your tune and you now profess to not be a bully, and i see no more noobs getting flamed by you. i'd say, mission accomplished... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:26:21 UTC Comment #4638
so you were on a mission to over-ride the mods authority?

i'll be interested to see what they have to say for themselves, are you in fact accusing them of not doing their job properly? or just being bad at it?

you really have no sense of humour either, i'm as much of a retard as you think you're not.

so listen 'guy' , who gives a fuck what you have to say, you're a wanker! it's as simple as that, and as pathetic too.

I used to know people liek you, but they're all in dole queues now...

I'd love for you to let me shwo you hwo much of a bully I can be.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:40:08 UTC Comment #4647
"so you were on a mission to over-ride the mods authority?
i'll be interested to see what they have to say for themselves, are you in fact accusing them of not doing their job properly? or just being bad at it?"

quit trying to drag (now) the mods in to save you. its cowardly and pathetic... two of your most predominant qualities i might add :D

"who gives a fuck what you have to say"

i guess you do. that must be why you started a flame war after you got some calm, rational, constructive criticism.

"I'd love for you to let me shwo you hwo much of a bully I can be."

lol i'm so scared of an internet bully :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 05:15:31 UTC Comment #4665
hahaha, I'm not the child on the internet trying to do a mods job, because you're desperately searching for attention, in any way you can get it.

The attention I get is limited to the people I choose to talk to..

No-one talks to you because you're full of shit..

"lol i'm so scared of an internet bully :D"
-well you obviously are seeing as you're hiding behind an Anonymous guise...

If you really wanted to change things you'd do it in teh open liek a man, but alas you are a child.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 01:56:28 UTC Comment #4673
"I'm not the child on the internet trying to do a mods job, because you're desperately searching for attention, in any way you can get it"

lol yeah... i'm trying to get attention, that's why i said for us to fight in here instead of out in the forums... what a genius you are :D

"No-one talks to you because you're full of shit.. "

lol no one talks to me? sorry, but i don't come here because i'm lonely for someone to talk to... and i try to be involved in SO many conversations :D

"hiding behind an Anonymous guise"

uh... that's my nick. lol you're scared because you hide behind your p.a.l. guise :D

"If you really wanted to change things you'd do it in teh open liek a man"

what do i want to change? i saw you behaving like an a-hole so i started treating you like one. and i still don't get this "in the open" thing. i'm not sending you private emails... anyone can read this.

you really make VERY little sense...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 04:48:38 UTC Comment #4680
"you're scared because you hide behind your p.a.l. guise"

look at my profile, there's more info on who I am than you;ve had hot meals.

the reason you ain't sending private enmails is because I would then have your email address, I owudl much ratehr do this in private, as I won't have to watch my language or reduce teh severity of threats of violence.

You are such a non-memebr it ain't even funny, I'm glad you've been pre-occupied with me teh last week or two, it's good to get the heat off trapt and teh otehrs you were causing shit for.

Also, you're such a boring fucker I haven't read half thae crap you wrote, so good job on wasting your time, noob.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:42:20 UTC Comment #4690
"I'm glad you've been pre-occupied with me teh last week or two it's good to get the heat off trapt "

lol, thats exactly what i said about you and the noobs... try to be more original... you're pathetic :D

lol and what have i ever said about trapt!?!?

"look at my profile, there's more info on who I am than you;ve had hot meals"

i don't care enough about you to read your profile and see who you pretend to be :D

"I haven't read half thae crap you wrote, so good job on wasting your time, noob."

lol... coppying what i said about you again eh stupid? funz map proves i told you i dont read your excuses for being retarded, and your most recent post there proves you read everything i write about you... ha ha, idiot :D

keep crying for others to help you, i enjoy that everyone can see that you're a coward who cant even fight your own battles... that you started by singling me out first :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-24 15:53:42 UTC Comment #4717
try reading funz's map thread..
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-25 14:14:14 UTC Comment #4737
yawn... pwned. next :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-26 07:24:53 UTC Comment #4752

I didn't realise he deleted it and reposted it, is he really that bothered by what some guy said in his thread? pathetic. If you don't remember what I said, I think I pretty much said it all over again in his new thread. the cliffs are flat and have no depth (at the back), which just makes it look a little odd, and some of the texturing leaves alot to be desired. HalfLife textures are so old and ugly that it's offensive to my eyes to see them used so much.

I think I might go and post this in his thread when I'm done here, yeah good idea, thnx Anonymous/Lucan

All i see you doing now is talking shit and not actually putting up much of an arguement for your stupid fucking behaviour the last few weeks/months.

If you actually look at this thread (the first time you reared your ugly head, that I noticed - which is why you are pissed off, taht I haven't been paying you any attention before this thread), you'll see that You posted first, then Funessen lost his fucking mind and went nuts, then I posted giving him what he wanted, and summarising the thoughts and feelings of those who posted but didn't download it (something you seem to be unable of grasping - I d/l the map... did you?!), I told him his map was pretty weak, great, he knocked them up in 10 minutes, great, woop-de-fucking-doo, not exactly a great example of mapping, is it? you fucktard!

This guy wanted suggestions on how to improve his mapping (apparently), then he should have posted in Unfinished. Like I said.

"sorry, your pathetic excuses for arguments disprove nothing of what i said... read more carefully and try harder next time"

- That just shows how uninterested you are at listening to otehrs, you're a fuckign reject from this community, and now you're pissed off because I insulted one of your shitty fucking maps, liek I really give a fuck what you think about me? or how you try and 'tear me dowwn', because it's not working, the more you carry on, the more people get sick of your shit, hiding it away in teh map vault is fucking pathetic, because you knwo people get sick of spamming shits, as I proved by releasing everything in teh forums, goes to show how little peoel actually care about your cause, no-one gives a fuck! you're fucked
! fuck off! noob.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 17:22:17 UTC Comment #4829
haha u fucking loser... keep wasting your time typing all your crap excuses that only YOU read lol. we both know you're a sad little fag who plays "big boy" at a half-life forum cause your life is so pathetic.

lol you sure have an AWEFULL lot of time to spend at this site trying to act important to geeks... hmm, how can you find the time with with "your band", "chicks" and all your "friends" ROFL loser.

get lost poser... you're as useless in the cyberworld as you are in the real world :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 08:37:18 UTC Comment #4903
Really? I just thought I was a pretty intelligent guy, intelligent enough to land a job where I can spend 90% of my day surfing teh web...

Commented 13 years ago2011-05-18 07:33:09 UTC Comment #19104
lol think again... loser.
RIP fag... i win :D
the end
Commented 2 years ago2022-03-20 02:04:22 UTC Comment #104242
This fucking comment section...

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