
Counter-Strike CS
cs_jungle_assault by Peace and LOve
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 08:55:08 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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Peace and LOve Peace and LOve
20 years ago2004-08-15 08:55:08 UTC
19 years ago2004-09-28 10:51:33 UTC
Download (3.92mb)

great map for any amount of players, looks nice and r speeds are surprisigly low.


Commented 20 years ago2004-08-15 11:03:29 UTC Comment #3342
Ya shud put one up.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-15 13:02:49 UTC Comment #3343
i will do, just need to find the best place to take one from. there's no overview atm, sry. it's on it's ay. also uhm.. yeah that's it, thnx for downloading it, hope you guys enjoy the map.
Commented 20 years ago2004-09-23 18:13:37 UTC Comment #4047
Corrupted link. Re-upload it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:30:19 UTC Comment #4447
I think the Hossies are WAY too close to the CT spawn, some rooms are just barren and empty, you can get away with empty rooms but not empty cubes. The architexture is out of scale in some point, the modles were good but you shouldnt rely on modles to make a map look good, you didnt make the warehouse complex (which was ok) and you didnt make the modles.

On the plus side its a good idea, a good layout (other than the hossies) and a nice setting, you have used some good techneques to like putting a fence infront of a wall to make it look more detailed. An ok map but you rely to much on modles for detail. Good otherwise.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:45:21 UTC Comment #4541
lol never EVER release your first map...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:47:27 UTC Comment #4543
oh, and you should learn how to "package" your map so people just need to move one folder to instsall it. your way is very noobish... sorry :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 05:59:22 UTC Comment #4548
sorry i didnt read that, it was too noobish to contemplate, but i'll hazard a guess at what you wrote, and try to answer accordingly:

No, I only 'found' the cat there, and it was already dead when I arrived,


NO! for the hundredth time, I will NOT take your skanky whore mother up teh arse, I don't want the disease again.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 16:11:50 UTC Comment #4555
poor guy cant take constructive criticism... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 08:59:54 UTC Comment #4572
Ok, I'll delete my map and start again.

Thanks for taking the time to d/l it, I know you didn't because there's a shitload of errors taht (if I had the time and patience) I would fix, however, it takes 2 1/2 hours to compile, and I have no time anymore.

Thanks for your ideas though, I'll use them in my next map, sorry, what were your suggestions again?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 12:36:56 UTC Comment #4590
"sorry, what were your suggestions again?"

my suggestions:

"lol never EVER release your first map..."
"oh, and you should learn how to "package" your map so people just need to move one folder to instsall it. your way is very noobish... sorry :D"

what's the matter... trouble reading? of course, i could use some of your own constructive remarks to give you suggestions for your maps:

"There's a place for maps liek this, it's called teh bottom of a very deep pile of dog shit, take this map and fuck off. please."


"looks like shit."


"sorry, but that looks so sh*t I can't even begin to describe what you should do to make it better."


"looks liks shit." (yes the same exact comment on 2 separate maps. your creativity isn't limited to your mapping i see. oh, and you seem to have some sort of obsession with shit... hmm :D)

etc, etc, etc... lol like i said, you talk a whole bunch of bs to helpless noobs, but when it happens to you, you cry for bans and for only constructive criticisms of your maps. lol :D

really dude... get a clue huh? :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 16:42:57 UTC Comment #4595
W0w, you've got some kind of chip dude.

Did you see what I put on maps that were actually good?

mY comments on "shit" (you'll notice it was: 'looks like shit', and 'looks liks shit' - big dif there), are reserved for maps that are actually shit. fy maps that people should know better than to release, and most being cs fy maps, of which there isn't enough of in the world... of course.

So before you talk shit because I pissed on one of your piece of shit noob-cube's compiled in fullbright with 1 awp in middle, think about what I'm talking about: a piece of shit map, that they shouldn't have wasted their time on.

Great, they love it, their friends love it, I'm really happy for them, honestly, I am; but that doesn't mean they should put it in a HalfLife mapping vault and then expect to get great reviews because they did something that people have been doing for 6 years.

You really think you've got me nailed into some kind of corner here don't you?

Well enjoy it, coz you're bound to wake up and see the colour of the faeces pouring out of your mouth.

PS: I say 'shit' alot, because it's rude to say cunt, you cunt.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 19:36:24 UTC Comment #4607
"mY comments on "shit", are reserved for maps that are actually shit"

umm yeah, so someone tries to make a map and it sucks. so then when you come along and tell them something like: "this map is shit, fuck off and die", you are doing the mapping and gaming community a huge service? sorry, but i don't follow your "logic".

btw, this basicly a site for inexperienced mappers to learn mapping techmniques... not some uber-leet map vault only for 5 star maps

"Great, they love it, their friends love it, I'm really happy for them, honestly, I am; but that doesn't mean they should put it in a HalfLife mapping vault and then expect to get great reviews"

nor should they expect to get "this map is shit" when they submit their work to a noob vault...

you are an OBVIOUS example of someone who, when they were a noob, got shit on. now, to attempt to make yourself feel like a man again, you try to make yourself feel better by shitting on people who are noobs now.

why don't you, instead, try to end the cycle of ignorance you're caught up in (btw, answering some questions in the forums does not give you license to shit on people in the vault).

so though you may rationalize it to yourself that you are doing some great sevice by putting down noobs, i doubt many non-assholes would agree...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:23:05 UTC Comment #4625
hahah, wow, you've got some real vision probs, nutter.

also, can't say I remember telling anyone to "fuck off and die", but that is pretty funny, admit it...

You should read aotm's thread 'ToDo' ; it talks about ppl's first maps being put into a seperate 'beginner' section, so that the vault only gets good maps, not someone's noob-cube (hey, we all made 'em).
So if atom is talking about it, I'm pretty sure that means alot of people would have contaced him about it, so I guess I'm not alone in being sick of seeing fy_maps

Don't think I've ever ripped a non fy map in teh vault, and if I did, it would have been a pretty weak map.

Another thing, if there was no difference in opinions it would be a pretty boring world, tehre needs to be a ying to a yang, if everyone posted positive comments, the people that learnt to map so they could make one small piece of shit for their LAN game, would keep coming back with more shit, and they would never learn.

I got shit when I started, I'm pretty sure everyoen does, but just because you got it doesn't mean you have to turn yourself into some kind of crusader, it's pointless, you've achieved nothing, I have no respect for you, and anything I do is my own choice, or at the request of mods... as I keep saying..

So really, you lose your little battle. But seeing as you were the only one fighting, I guess taht means you lost a battle to yourself, you whipped your own ass, you fucked up, you smacktard. fuck off.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:17:21 UTC Comment #4635
"I got shit when I started,"

get over it and move on... quit trying to punish noobs for what happened to you when you were a noob... sheesh...

"if everyone posted positive comments"

hmm... is there only one alternative to flaming, and that is to post positive comments? you make absolutely no sense guy. try to think out what your saying a little better... you sound pretty rediculous.

"So really, you lose your little battle"

well your words say one thing, but your actions tell a whole nother story. i have not seen one helpless noob get flamed by you since i called you out. i guess i got what i was after after all :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:22:55 UTC Comment #4637
what did you get?
someone to talk to for a couple of weeks?

fuck off with your bullshit quotes, the shit's right up there, and if you read more than that one line you'll see I don't mention flaming as an opposite to positive comments, retard. jesus, we could all mis-quote, look:

"i was after shitting on helpless people i called noobs"

That's a pretty easy way to make a point, and yet, as I read your posts, I notice one major flaw, you're still treating me in the way you think I treat 'newbs', so, really, you're fighting yourself.. but I guess you have your reasons, there's no way to argue with morons like you, you need help man, it's the internet, it's a mapping site, you're a fucking wierdo.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:14:51 UTC Comment #4642
"if you read more than that one line you'll see I don't mention flaming as an opposite to positive comments"

right, you suggest that if all people get are positive comments on maps, they'll continue to make crappy maps and fill the vault with junk. but my point, stupid, is that nowhere have i said all maps should only get positive remarks.

my point is also that by what you have typed you seem to believe that the only alternative to giving positive remarks is to flame. god forbid you should give constructive criticism to someone trying to learn how to do something some might find rather difficult. are you saying that giving constructive criticism would lead to people continuing to make crap-maps? here's your quote again and please explain just what you are trying to suggest (keep in mind that nowhere have i suggested that only positive comments should be given on all maps):

"Another thing, if there was no difference in opinions it would be a pretty boring world, tehre needs to be a ying to a yang, if everyone posted positive comments, the people that learnt to map so they could make one small piece of shit for their LAN game, would keep coming back with more shit, and they would never learn. "

well there's the entire paragraph. please explain what that has to do with anything i've said. what exactly are you arguing here... explain how i've misquoted... idiot

" I notice one major flaw, you're still treating me in the way you think I treat 'newbs', so, really, you're fighting yourself"

well according to your faulty logic: if i grab someone off the street and imprison them and i get caught, the courts shouldn't imprison me because they would only be fighting themselves??

dude you really need to think out your rediculous posts before you make them... you make yourself look more idiotic with each one :D

"it's a mapping site"

right, it's not your personal kingdom where you shit on whomever you like without consequence. reguardless of what this is, there are all people here. learn to treat others with more respect and i doubt you will have to worry about getting singled out and fed dirt... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:20:39 UTC Comment #4644
yawn... again.. yet more tripe, ain't even gonna glance over this one.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:40:50 UTC Comment #4648
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 05:12:37 UTC Comment #4664
yeah you were, you spent ages writing thsi bullshit and I didn't even read it. Ride my pwny.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 02:06:00 UTC Comment #4676
"I didn't even read it"

lol sure... thats like when you get kicked in the nuts and say "that didn't hurt!"

you were PWNED!!!! :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 04:40:09 UTC Comment #4679
no, seriously, I haven't got the time of day for your bullshit anymore, you fucked up when you started to spiral into personal insults and attacks on character (not just me), you've pissed off alot of people here, me being one of them, and I don't bother listening to noobs talk about shit.

Especially now that you've suddenly changed your ways and started trying to be all polite and nice, you stupid fuck lol, if you're so high and mighty, and more importantly if you were right, you wouldn't need to change at all... I on the other hand will continue to "flame" fy maps.

You meanwhile, will stfu and get out of my MV threads.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:54:58 UTC Comment #4691
"no, seriously, I haven't got the time of day for your bullshit anymore"

lol i can see that since you made a long winded argument against me in funz map after you made this one :D lol do you EVER deal in reality... remember your meds now.

"you fucked up when you started to spiral into personal insults and attacks on character"

yeah, i just started acting like you... ironic that you cant take it :D

"you've pissed off alot of people here"

lol sure... no one but one or 2 idiots give a crap about you dude... get real. and i really dont care if i piss off ignorant bullies or racists :D

"Especially now that you've suddenly changed your ways and started trying to be all polite and nice"

huh, what? psst... meds :D

"I on the other hand will continue to "flame" fy maps."

wow i'm proud of you. you should be proud. and don't act like you only flame one kind of map and are justified in doing so. if you want me to, i'll post your uncalled for abusive remarks about PEOPLE you made in several posts... not just about fy maps... idiot :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 16:38:27 UTC Comment #4703
Wow, Peace, you sound like me.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 21:35:57 UTC Comment #4704
heh ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 17:13:27 UTC Comment #4828
lol 1 star... another great work from peace o crap :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 08:04:08 UTC Comment #4872
65 ratings lol, you must have pressed that button a hell of a lot of times to get it down to one, I remember it was on 6 stars at one point.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-18 07:08:17 UTC Comment #19100
wahhhhhhhhhh... looks like you lose... like all your crap maps lol

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