
Counter-Strike CS
awp_squrel by squrel
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 02:04:25 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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squrel squrel
20 years ago2004-08-22 02:04:25 UTC
20 years ago2004-08-22 02:04:25 UTC

This is a really fun awp map. At spawn there is a barrier so it isnt cheap. There are a few floating walkways and trenches. In the middle of the water youll find a present. Have fun! Please comment and rate!


Commented 20 years ago2004-08-22 11:26:37 UTC Comment #3501
First of, theres no chance of someone gettin up that long ladder.
Theres also no archietecture.
Its bland, unimaginative, got bad texturing, over all not a good map.
1 star, only because i cant go lower.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-22 21:23:20 UTC Comment #3516
Well I didnt dl it so i wont rate it but, from the screenshot it looks really piss poor...... U used what like 4 textures? Ur map needs to have a theme, not just some place sourounded by fences...
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-23 00:57:52 UTC Comment #3520
first of all, the ladders are so that you can jump into the water swim across and have your team cover you while you climb the ladder and second, the screenie doesnt show it but there are well more than 15 textures on this map and i know it is a crappy map i made it in less than two hours, it wasnt intended to be the next aztec
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-23 03:54:44 UTC Comment #3524
Be supportive! I hate people saying its 'piss poor' and stuff. Nothing deserves 1 star unless its an empty room with a player start or something.

Remember, we were all new once. How would you like it if you had just made a map which people just called 'piss poor' '1 star because I cant go lower' when you were new? You would be shattered, and dont try and lie saying you wouldnt be.

Keep mapping squrel! Just don't release anything for a while, until you know you have produced something real nice.

The HL engine doesn't like large open areas, so try to make a map with a number of detailed rooms with a good layout.

Take my comments into account if you can. And for everyone else, Lay off the guy! Jesus Christ....!

Happy Mapping!
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-23 05:42:20 UTC Comment #3527
thanks trapt yea im workin on one that might be done sometime soon called cs_dust and im not sure if thats ever been done before so if you know that is has please tel me
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-23 06:46:29 UTC Comment #3528
Umm people did say my map was utter crap and stuff, practically no1 downloaded it, or aything.
So i just keep my maps to my self now.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-23 11:47:54 UTC Comment #3530
squrel, cs_dust is a BAD idea! why? because you gonna use dust.wad, and create one of million dust clones. i myself created dust clone when started mapping, but never released it :). i know, dust is popular map, textures are fine but it's OVERUSED theme. google for new textures (wadfather) and be creative, not plagijator :) GOOD LUCK!
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-23 19:49:06 UTC Comment #3545
thanx for your input essential but i think ill still release it because its probably the best one ive made so far but thanx anyway
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-29 19:13:14 UTC Comment #3693
Yes squrel dont make a dust map please. I dont want to dis anyones mapping abilities but it just wont be appreciated. There are WAY to many dust based maps, all your time will just go to waste
Commented 20 years ago2004-09-01 21:36:00 UTC Comment #3757
fine fine
Commented 20 years ago2004-09-07 02:57:35 UTC Comment #3830
make what YOU want to make. its doubtfull that your first few maps will actually be massivley played by the public, so why in the hell would you worry about what they want. im not saying to make something no one would ever think of spawning in, but since you are somewhat new to mapping, you should be working on stuff that YOU think would be fun to play. you are learning how to do stuff, and working on something you find interesting will keep you moving along in the right direction. once you get some more finished maps under your belt and have a better handle on hammer and what the public wants, THEN start making maps for them. /2cents

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