this is a single plyer map ther are no problems wiht it it is just not finish. If you have ben trying it plese tell me what you think. And PLESE read the read me file.
I DID test the map menny times.
okey in this version it does not neat zeditor.wad
or den1.wad
okey here is a litle walkthrug.
grap the crowbar go to the high-voltage box and
open it. now kill the headcrab. go to the barny
he will now open the gate for you. the litle rock
has a side fasing the fens, go ther and tuch it.
the rock will now brake in 2. walk on the litle
pice of floor and pres the button. you are now in
It's a pretty bland map, no decent architecture execpt for the rocks, and the textures are too simple too. When I went up to barney, he wouldn't even open the door, so I did myself.
BTW: Did you test this B4 releasing it?
bad map.
my pros-cons:
+Liked the half-invisible headcrab
+Nice Rocks
+The lasers in the high-voltage box
+Barney opened the door, i guess i could count that as a pro
-Texturing is extremely bland
-Where did i start?
-Why are there several healthpaks and a crowbar in the middle of the area, why are they there, and where did they come from?
OVERAL: a nice 3 1/2 stars
This map is okay... if it's one of your first
Always test your maps people!