
Counter-Strike CS
de_dolls by Cunning Stunt
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:02:17 UTC • Unfinished • Counter-Strike
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Cunning Stunt Cunning Stunt
19 years ago2004-11-04 09:02:17 UTC
19 years ago2004-11-04 09:07:34 UTC
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de_dolls, a rats map (dont shout /o) based on a girls bedroom. I made a rats map because that's pretty much the only reason i still have CS installed. Other maps tire me and most vanilla CS servers tend to upset and scare me.

I've tested the map on a server with 8 people or so and it plays ok (possibly a bit bias towards the Terrorists, but nothing to lose sleep over. The r_speeds are my main concern and get up to 1000 in places, which would be acceptable but when lots of players are running about in the main area people complained from a bit of lag.

Thanks :)


Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:09:38 UTC Comment #4919
Well, there's some really nice detail in there, perhaps you could func_wall alot of that shizzle,like the mirror and the drawers, and all that stuff on the shelf.

And just clip all things that touch the ground at one unit above the floor level, and func_wall that one unit piece.

On the whole it actually looks really good, teh best ratsmap I've seen for a long time, and that's a compliment coming from me, I tend to relieve myself over rats maps (and by relieve I don't mean anything pleasurable).

Nice theme, could you perhaps put in some panties?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:14:02 UTC Comment #4920
The mirror's a func_breakable, it explodes when the bomb goes off. Most of the things on the floor are either func_walls or 1 unit off the ground (have a look using gl_wireframe)

if i make the books func_walls the shadows look all crazy and that makes cunning cry.

Thanks for your encouragement, always a good ego massage o/
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:21:59 UTC Comment #4922
Ideas for novelty items:

The fan could push people off the edge of the table, into a waste paper basket? Maybe =P

The bra/panties thing. Seriously, how many kids under 16 are there that play CS, any hint of the 'forbidden fruit' and your map will sell like hot cakes.

I know this sounds sick, but bear with me:
A box of Tampons, you could right, I know this sounds sick, tie the tampons to func_vehicles and have people ride around on them.
I'm not joking either lol, I don't know which is worse :D

If teh bed isn't a major part, or even if it is, have it set up like the jump-pads in Half-Life, so it looks, and feels, liek you're jumping up and down on teh bed.

I'll post more if you want/need any ideas.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:24:00 UTC Comment #4923
Use the ZHLT Light Flags option in teh func_wall entity, you can set the func_walls to Opaque, ie; they create a shadow, but don't split faces.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:28:48 UTC Comment #4924
Well, the tampon idea is "interesting" to say the least. I did put a barbie car in it for a while but the map's too small for vehicles really, the barbie car just got trapped under things or into a tight corner.

The jump pad idea is good, how could i impliment it? lots of trigger_push's maybe?

I'll definatly put some frilly knickers coming out of the drawer. Just a simple sprite will do. Thanks again xx
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:30:25 UTC Comment #4925
When i set the flag to opaque it created awful black lines, on the shelf. I've just put the books one unit above the shelf now.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 13:49:09 UTC Comment #4926
Ok, well if it didn't do much to your r_speeds you might as well not do anything.
Perhaps making the books models? Would cut down some poly.
But tbh, a map can be playable on a moderately high spec machine at 1300 - 1400 w poly (Counter strike), so you don't have to try and get it down to 800 or anything, imho if you're still using a Geforce 32mb you deserve everything you get :D

Pity about the tampons, but yes, it would have been funny as hell, maybe a func_train where the tampons take a little ride around the room, I knwo I know, I am a strange person. Sorry.

The bed should be easy, I'm pretty sure if you set them up liek Half-Life's jump pads (check teh example maps, I'm sure there's a map, teh general q's forum had a thread about it not long ago) and I think you only need one, but maybe having more would be cool, liek different parts of teh bed are more springy etc.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-05 10:48:53 UTC Comment #4949
Shizzle ma nizzle! Its the snoop dogg telly fizzle!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-06 14:10:11 UTC Comment #4972
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-27 17:28:02 UTC Comment #11373
Excellent Stuff!

Superb detail works and texture choices makes you feel like you actually in a girls room!

Nice doodads: Toggable fan, mouse trap, light switch...

And though the exterior parts are fabulously done, the interior parts are very blah by comparison.

I can't commen on your sounds or lack therof, becuase I had music blaring in my ear while playtesting your map--sorry!

Superb stuff, and very "pretty" :P

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