This map is a remake of the classic Half-Life Deathmatch level 'Gasworks'
Readme and screenies have a small server running in the evenings (GMT +1)
Look for: Peter's Playground (
There's a mapcycle with dm_gasworks_aghl, dm_steamlab and dm_bellas_room_deluxe (rat style map)
Great job.
Gooch: Not sure if this particularly map has been circulating yesterday
There's a couple of other gaswork maps out there, I know some of them is running on a Team Deathmatch server
You will be able to join my small server Friday and Saturday evenings this week
It's 10 players and probably be a bit laggy, time will tell
During alpha testing we were 4-5 players on the server and was reasonable
I have 256 MBit upload currently