Attacking Beams

Half-Life HL
Attacking Beams by Android
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 16:53:53 UTC • Examples • Half-Life
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Attacking Beams
Android Android
19 years ago2005-07-05 16:53:53 UTC
19 years ago2005-07-10 02:18:57 UTC

A map showing how to get beams to attack a monster. I also made it so it appears that the beam attacks you but that actually is impossible, the beams cannot target the player, the player is a separate entity from the info_player_start. The only way to make it appear that youve been attacked by the beam is to make the beam flash for a second. Watch as the poor headcrab next to you walks to its inevitable death. Dont walk too close to the wire now!


Commented 19 years ago2005-07-05 18:11:01 UTC Comment #8047
actually, if you put in player as the thing, then you will be the target. (like if you put a target for a beam it should work, I remember theres a way to get it to target yourself though...)
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-05 19:11:24 UTC Comment #8049
It isn't that difficalt to do that! Just in the end targt value write the name of the monster! It's easy to do it and thats why I wont download it! Try making examples on harder stuff!
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-05 19:12:30 UTC Comment #8050
To make it target the player just write player in the target end or start value!
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-06 17:06:07 UTC Comment #8058
If you made the beam target the info_player_start entity it targets where it was placed at, not at the player
I know, an info_player_start doesnt have a name space available, to give it a name, exit smartedit and add the key "targetname" and in value, put the name of it. The beam will reach out at the player spawn point, not the player
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-06 17:07:30 UTC Comment #8059
And also, putting player in the target value wont target the player. Valve wouldve done that for Half-life if so. They created the program anyways, look at it yourself, go to map "c1a2" and go run at the beam. It wont target you, it just goes beserk because the beam has a flag set to random strike.
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-06 20:47:25 UTC Comment #8063
It should, Ive done it before :o...hmmm..
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-06 20:48:05 UTC Comment #8064

and its random because a real random electrical current would just strike at random towards whatevers nearby
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-07 13:06:36 UTC Comment #8068
you can target the player if you use an invisible turrett. read both of the turrett guides.
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-07 21:10:39 UTC Comment #8073
You may but if you will write player it may work like in scripted_sentences with the listener type!
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-08 15:46:43 UTC Comment #8084
player is an incorrect name for a beamtarget, and random strike is obviously random, it doensnt strike towards the player. Now valve created this program, since they used it to create the half-life campaign they would have made the beam in map c1a2 target the player, but they actually put the flag "random strike" and put a trigger hurt next to the beam to give the effect that the beam killed you.
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-08 15:49:57 UTC Comment #8085
Player wont work because the player can have random names and the player is not actually called the "player" when it comes to target values. Valve wouldve done it if it was possible. You cant give a specified player a name from the editor
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-08 19:47:43 UTC Comment #8090
Looks interesting, will rate soon!
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-25 16:22:23 UTC Comment #8278
you dont have to put in player, you could use a func_tanklaser and turn on the active flag and there ya go, a beam that constantly targets the player.

On the hole its a nice map. I downloaded this earlier and never commented on it till now. Quite nice:)

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