Top Secret

Half-Life HL
Top Secret by Fragmeister
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 17:01:09 UTC • Unfinished • Half-Life
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Top Secret
Fragmeister Fragmeister
19 years ago2005-09-15 17:01:09 UTC
19 years ago2005-09-28 09:49:07 UTC
2.00 (1)
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Download

This is an underground lab style map, sp, and obviously unfinished. The basic story: There's an underground lab, that does top secret research, and that's all anyone knows. There were rumors of an accident, something going wrong, and the military was sent in, but the ones who actually went in never came back. Your organization wants the truth, and you have to fight your way past the grunts, make it in, and find out the truth.


Commented 19 years ago2005-09-15 19:24:26 UTC Comment #9016
You put the wrong .bsp in the zip file, it's an unlit version.

What direction are you heading with this map? It's unfinished and I can't really think of what you're planning for this map...

Anyway. Some things you should definitely improve on are the bunker inside (bunkers with couches? and what are those bleu blocks supposed to be?) and the bunker entrance (I'd expect a fortified crete structure but this thing has thin walls and a really light roof. Not very well protected).
The base also lacks a noticeable entrance. Adding a road will help.
Also, do something to make the map feel more real, as the skybox is quite distinguishable from the level itself. Perhaps use some rocks or such.

Nice secret grenades though, and that generator with solar panels looks like a good idea. Tweak them a bit and it's a nice setting.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-16 11:23:15 UTC Comment #9031
I'll try it soon! ;)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-16 11:33:22 UTC Comment #9033
You put the wrong .bsp in the zip file, it's an unlit version.
did I really? oops. sorry.
The part with the couches is a "waiting room" so to speak. the real level will be far below, and because this is sp, there'll probably be a map change somewhere in there. (you'lll see.) the "entrance" is the helipad, but like you said, a road would be good. I'm in the process of fixing the skybox problem, and i'm glad you could actually tell that those things were solar panels!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-17 18:03:19 UTC Comment #9051
"The part with the couches is a "waiting room" so to speak."

I know it's a waiting room. But that doesn't really fit in a bunker (unless it's a dictators bunker - this seems more like a field bunker).
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-18 14:02:09 UTC Comment #9063
well, I wanted to give the people somewhere to sit while they waited for the elevator to the "real" part of the map to return.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-27 12:59:20 UTC Comment #9229
I've updated it, and made the skybox transition less obvious. Try it out! and READ THE README FILE IN THE ZIP!!!!!!!!!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-27 13:34:53 UTC Comment #9231
Missing wad file, fscutsom.wad
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-27 13:52:47 UTC Comment #9232
oops. will fix soon.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-28 04:48:53 UTC Comment #9233
OK fraggy:

Good stuff
  • You had a sort of puzzle going on
  • And elevator :o
  • The solar panels were nice
  • Outside was sort of realistic
Bad stuff
  • Lighting in sum places very ugly
  • Full bright in second map!!!
  • You pretty much only used 1 texure for the floors, walls and ceiling.
  • Elevator took ages to stop
  • Not another boring fight against grunts!!
  • Too short!!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-28 09:50:00 UTC Comment #9237
ok Sp00L, I don'tknow how you got it to work, but the zip now has the wadfile in it! And texturingis usually the second stage of my level design.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-29 16:29:27 UTC Comment #9258
Just a few things:

The wall blocks the solar panels from receiving any light. Pus that a wall suffices, no need for the fences anymore. Also, I could get stuck between the walls and the fences (odd turret placement there too, they didn't even work too).
Pressing buttons in guard towers to open a bunker access door doesn't make much sense to me. Oh, and let the player know what happened. The purpose of those buttons is unclear, you can't see what they do. They appear to do nothing when you press them actually.
The lighting is ugly. But I suppose you'll change that in a later stage.
The elevator is boring (it's slow and it's a long way down. Don't waste the players time, at least give him some interesting things to look at), and it doesn't fit well in it's environment. Why have a large cargo elevator when there isn't even room for such large cargo there? Those rooms are too small for that. Doesn't feel right.
Dark room, too bright glass, painfully flickering light and a bunch of zombies together with barney's? I'm not sure what to make of that but it's no good at the moment.

Conclusion: some improvements were nice, but there's still a lot to do. Don't forget about logic: several things in your map don't feel right. Why? Compare them to the real world: would they be done like that in reality?
For example, buttons are usually labeled to make their purpose clear. Buttons that control security doors are usually placed in security offices.
So... good luck with it!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-29 20:55:46 UTC Comment #9260
solar panels: I know, in the process of fixing that
Turrets: need to add a trigger
buttons: wierd lighting effect, will fix
elevator: again, will fix soon
the big room: I just haven't added lights yet.

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