Problem with Lights

Half-Life 2 HL2
Problem with Lights by YeeHaa
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-13 08:07:07 UTC • Problems • Half-Life 2
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Problem with Lights
YeeHaa YeeHaa
Half-Life 2
19 years ago2005-11-13 08:07:07 UTC
19 years ago2005-11-13 08:08:18 UTC

The lights go trou the wall into the shadow.
I tried various methods to solve this
Plz check map and solve it, the walls are in the displacement , pitch of light_env is -45 (I tried -90 to , but just deletes shadows)
This is an example map , i have the EXACT same problem in the real map (brightness maybe?)
Cause i never saw people do this kind of map..

Thnx in advance


Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 08:14:05 UTC Comment #9867
have you made the wall a func_wall?
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 08:49:49 UTC Comment #9868
The light_enviroment works like a bigger ligt over the whole map. But you made a shadow control. So the light_enviroment works like a big sun.. try to set out "LIGHT" close the wall.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 08:56:08 UTC Comment #9869
How do u mean? So i should delete the shadow_control or?...
I don't understand the part of try to set out "LIGHT" close the wall.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 09:09:27 UTC Comment #9870
its a Entity called "light". that is well a light. The shadow control makes so the shadows be nice made. make a light clsoe the wall and see if it get brighter
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 10:19:22 UTC Comment #9873
ZeG the problem isnt that the wall is dark :/ The problem is that there is light in the shadow , Check the map and you see the problems ;).
Same prob is for the open house it has light strokes across the walls.
If i put itch on -90 the walls will be ok but have no shadows.
If i put a light aganstt he wall my wall and ground will become brighter but thats not a solution!!
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 10:38:34 UTC Comment #9874
is the ground displacment mapped - if so there in lies the problem, the lighting scale needs to be adjusted because its picking up light from the other side of the wall, i get that shit all the time. Sink the wall further into the ground or use smaller displacments - kinda hard to explain really
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 10:39:00 UTC Comment #9875
I remember somebody posted a problem map on this a few month ago... search the vault for 'dripping light' of something like that
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 11:01:38 UTC Comment #9878
I changed the lightmap of the ground .. nothing changed , i made the ground out of 4 displacements instead of 1 and still not changed , i still keep getting light edges around the wall and the top brush of the open house still casts is shadow ugly.
If you could fix the prob and upload it I would be veyr thankfull i have been on this for about a week now.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 15:04:13 UTC Comment #9880
Ohh...damn he deleted it...

Sorry I can't help you I'm a Hl1 mapper. :S Ask an expirienced Hl2 mapper like rebidmonkey(a mod),captian P,(another mod),kasperg(won an award) or trapt.(a great Hl2 mapper, he ran the first source compotition)
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 16:17:19 UTC Comment #9881
You have already had advice on how to fix this from Captain P etc.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 16:19:50 UTC Comment #9882
Yes they told me to lower the lightmap scale wich i did (check prev post) And it did not work. But did not have comments from the other ones.. if so plz let them rpeat it in a post so i can check it out :/
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 16:26:36 UTC Comment #9883
Um just roatate the light_environment angle, my mountains had light coming through and I noticed that the light went beyong the mountain so light goes through, just change the angle or something, lightmaps will not effect it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 17:09:33 UTC Comment #9884
The angle did not effect the light coming trou the walls.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 17:58:01 UTC Comment #9885
Everyone here that says 'func_wall' should stay away from HL2 maps. We use func_detail for that now! :)

Anyway, about this problem, just make your wall thicker. Displacement maps don't seem to be very flexible when it comes down to scaling their lightmaps down (it seems to stick to 15 as a minimum), so either create two displacements, one on each side of the wall, or make the wall thicker. The shadow does actually start underneath the wall but it takes some space to fade (which is where the lightmap resolution comes in).

Lowering the scale of lightmaps has a disadvantage and that's the increased filesize. In area's with a lot of light contrast, you could scale it down, but for area's with very equal lighting you could scale it up to save some filesize. Maps tend to get very big these days... ;)

A shadow_control entity controls the shadows cast by model entities bytheway, not those of brush-based entities, so it's of no use here unless you add prop_models.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-25 22:07:59 UTC Comment #9978
make the walls func_detail or i think its func_brush, make two walls in a diff map and tie each of them to one of those. i think one of those two can completely block out light
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-26 19:03:29 UTC Comment #9981
Doesn't solve the problem, nublit. It's more an issue of lightmap scales, the wall blocks light already, there's just that blending between light and dark that takes a little too much space.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-01 17:57:17 UTC Comment #12935
Try putting a brush in the wall with the texture, "toolsblocklight" The should prevent the light from shineing under the wall
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-23 17:30:49 UTC Comment #15590
I had that problem stick the brush in the floor abit it helpped me!

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