VertexManipProb fixed

Half-Life HL
VertexManipProb fixed by NinjaGrinch
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 16:50:35 UTC • Problems • Half-Life
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VertexManipProb fixed
NinjaGrinch NinjaGrinch
19 years ago2006-01-26 16:50:35 UTC
19 years ago2006-01-29 05:39:01 UTC

This is the capsule TawnosPrime made, compiled using hlfix with the -na parameter. ZHLT CB 2.5.3 were used and RAD was run with -extra -bounce 3 -smooth 10

I also lowered the light_enviroment brightness to 60 and aligned the textures on the capsule.

When compiling with Hammer, hlfix MUST be added as the first command before hlcsg, using the expert compile dialog. This is because when you click Go!, the first thing Hammer does is export the .map file, which will overwrite any existing .map file.

Another handy tip is to add a command to delete the .map file as the very first command, and run hlfix as the second command. This ensures that if hlfix has an error and can't export the .map file, the compile tools wont get the crappy .map file that Hammer exported and will fail to run, which will save you from compiling a pile of crap.


Commented 19 years ago2006-01-28 07:19:00 UTC Comment #10707
Wow your right... It looks perfect. If you're interested, I'll send you a screen of what Mine looks like.

Also, why delete it, It's a good example of what HLfix can do... heck, better yet possibly make it an example map/tutorial ;)

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I've always heard of it, and never tried it before. Super useful tool!
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-28 10:16:07 UTC Comment #10711
K. Tried for a couple of hours to get it right--with no success.

One interesting thing I noticed, was that the compiled .map looked fine after hlfix. However after compile and reopening hammer, the .map file was strangely changed!

Here's a link to my prorgess, or lack thereof:

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-29 05:15:12 UTC Comment #10726
Ok, I'll leave it here as an example. I added an additional note about compiling with hlfix to the description above.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-29 08:17:54 UTC Comment #10728
K. Got it to work, with a couple exceptions.

-Works vastly well for the most part.
-Couldn't get the delete .map to work--no biggie
-There are some faces that are not drawn--did you have these too?

Should also be noted that I couldn't get any thing to work, until opened up my "maps" folder properties and unticked "read only".

I've included Screenies of my compile options and log portion--concerning the .map delete, and some misc. screenies at:
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-29 11:20:17 UTC Comment #10733
Your delete map command is missing a '' between $path and $file...doh! :)

All faces were drawn for me. Which compile tools are you using? I used ZHLT 2.5.3 CB 1.7 to compile.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-29 17:37:06 UTC Comment #10734
doh! =)

3.2.1, I believe. I used this on some other stuff--some complex stuff at angles and rotated, and it came out dreamily!

You should write a tutorial for this, for one reason, because it's so helpful, and two, There really are none out there--or at least none I could easily find.

Thanks for all your help on this!!! NinjaGrinch FTW :P
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 21:49:28 UTC Comment #10788
Wow, that looks great...'cept for my texture work :P (I'm learnin')

I've really got to remember to check in on areas I'm submitted to so I can see stuff like this sooner. Thanx for the compile info Nin, I'm gonna add in hlfix now and get back to work on the map that was made for.
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 21:57:39 UTC Comment #10790
sry bout above...wrong button
Commented 3 years ago2022-01-15 22:28:11 UTC Comment #104013
Original problem map:

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