
Counter-Strike CS
aim_scouts-aj by synergy
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 01:27:25 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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synergy synergy
18 years ago2006-02-20 01:27:25 UTC
18 years ago2006-02-20 01:27:25 UTC
2.17 (6)
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My First Map, Your Constructive Criticism is welcomed :)


Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 12:11:57 UTC Comment #10907
- an horrible remake of awp_map: zero originality
- the lighting is horrible: zero quality
- only one available weapon: zero variety
- wrong max viewable distance setting: not tested
- the trap pit in the middle is... well, why?: no strategy
- off-topic map, CS maps are de/cs/as/es: zero connection with the game...

A pure crap map...
why did you post it?
what are you expecting from it?
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 13:08:06 UTC Comment #10909
J.C was harsh, but yea.
It's just a re-textured version of awp_map.. It might look cleaner, although it's still awp_map.. And awp_ maps are crap. :
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 14:22:13 UTC Comment #10910
Whats with the light emitting on the wall from nowhere? I agree with everything JC said, but Ill give you some constructive criticism:
Um, well Usually good mappers show promise even in their first map. You however really have nothing unique or talented to show here. I would try to be original for one and independent in creating a map. Study architexture, and Vertex manipulation for terrain (Or look up Nems terrain generator) Add originality to a map, and detail!
Finally, lights dont produce light from themselves. You need a bulb, or sun..............
Dont post another map until you learn these things. Look at the maps that the top mappers made on this site, and learn from them....
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 15:59:26 UTC Comment #10912
J.C needs to take that post an shuv it up his ass :P. It's his first map! This is well, an awesome first map. Yeah the lights are coming out of nowhere, and the Max view distance is screwed, but who cares. One thing though, if or when you update it, make the road a solid plz. I'll fix the level up myself if someone uploads the CS textures.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 16:14:39 UTC Comment #10913
JC said nothing offensive, he clearly stated what he didn't like about the map and why. This is called criticism. I agree, if you are going to make a aim/scout/awp/fy map it better defy all others of it's breed, these types of maps can be whipped up in minutes, and thats usually how long they last on a server. Put some more work into this one, make it a little more detailed with some alternate areas, and something original, it may have potential.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 16:26:45 UTC Comment #10914
I didn't mean that about J.C, it's just that his post is WAY too harsh
Duplicate posts removed by moderator
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 18:13:47 UTC Comment #10920
OMG! whyd it triple post?
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 20:23:07 UTC Comment #10923
just to add more minuses

-default sky
-lights coming from nowhere
-can be made in literally 2 minutes
-AWP_maps are terrible, this is hurtfully awful.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 22:37:39 UTC Comment #10926
Well Mostly The Reason of this map was for me tog et down some of the basics and get some suggestions nothing more.

and halo the road was meant to be a illusion because people on my server kept complaining about rushers and that sort of stuff. so i decided to through it in for fun.

and J.C. i take no offense to wat you said ll take wat you all said in to mind and try and learn some more.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-21 01:22:37 UTC Comment #10930
A light_environment would be nice.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-21 14:04:23 UTC Comment #10933
got some links?...

"Come on guys, its not that bad!"
Yes it is, it cannot decently be worse ...

"and J.C. i take no offense to wat you said ll take wat you all said in to mind and try and learn some more."
Just make de/cs/as/es maps and that will be ok with me, or if you want to make dm/"fun" maps, make them for HL(DM), or UT, or Quake or whatever, but please not for CS: it really, seriously, got enough of them...

"OMG! whyd it triple post?"
I suggest the TWHL staff should plan on work to an update of this section of the website, I personnaly hate to not be able to edit or at least preview my posts...
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-22 20:41:46 UTC Comment #10952
Tnx for advise J.C.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-22 20:42:06 UTC Comment #10953
im working on cs map right now :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-23 01:50:10 UTC Comment #10957

Well, I thought this map was ok, I mean it's an AWP map come on...

-increase your max distance--the walls disappear on the other end.
-Architecture is blocky and boring
-it's weird that you fall "through the road" make it a gorge or something.

Other than that I don't think the lighting is so horrible for what it is, and the rest of it is cleanly done, if lackluster. I don't mind that it's just scouts--I love the scout!
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-24 02:25:52 UTC Comment #10970
Scouts are fun :) thx for ur suggestion
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 19:17:07 UTC Comment #12059

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