HL2 Buttonpad for HL1!

Half-Life HL
HL2 Buttonpad for HL1! by |Not-Bot|
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 08:30:35 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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HL2 Buttonpad for HL1!
|Not-Bot| |Not-Bot|
18 years ago2006-06-15 08:30:35 UTC
18 years ago2006-06-15 08:33:43 UTC

Half-Life 2 ButtonPad for Half-Life 1...
I dont know is that accurate, but i looked at the models of Half-Life 2..


Commented 18 years ago2006-06-15 08:32:50 UTC Comment #12243
er... im not entirely sure what you were trying to achieve here... does it do something cool or is it just a prefab?

If so... s'not great...
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-15 08:33:04 UTC Comment #12244
Please dont look at the textures, its only a test textures :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-15 08:33:29 UTC Comment #12245
Sorry, its a prefab
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-15 08:37:19 UTC Comment #12246
perhaps you could show a picture of what 'button pad' you were trying to re-create?

I dont remember seeing anything like that in HL2
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-15 16:17:35 UTC Comment #12249
please stop posting these... they're not even goot - they suck. you haven't even func_walled any of it, and the texture alignment is terrible. the button is way too small for the fixture, and doesn't even look like a button.

Sorry, but just NO!
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-15 18:24:53 UTC Comment #12253
I agree.

And if your going to torture us in this way, at least include a workable .bsp for us to play with...it's sort of just good etiquette imo.

Welcome to TWHL btw! :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-16 16:59:39 UTC Comment #12261
SO!! YOU ONLY ACCEPT GOOD MAPS DO YOU? If he wants he can post these prefabs of his, no matter how good or bad they are. If you internd to post many prefabs just place them in one map, and add to the map the prefabs you recently posted.

Instead of bashing him, help him. The first thing I have to say is- Change the textures, don't post test textures, texture it so it will look good. Func_wall the parts of the button you don't press.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-17 09:58:16 UTC Comment #12262
Elon is right.

Only thing I can say is,, take more time making your stuff to fix things like textures and such.
Play around with hammer and maybe read a few tutorials.
Most things I know about mapping I've learned my self, without tutorials, because I find it alot easier to discover things on my own, but that's just me.
Find your way of learning, and learn. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-18 22:11:24 UTC Comment #12271
I disagree with posting of prefabs in any way on this site. Even though your next prefab might be sooo amazing, I still want a new idea I can use in my maps. Example MAPS!
Commented 18 years ago2007-02-20 16:27:20 UTC Comment #14272
Elon...just shut up.

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