Just my entry to Minicompo #3.
Things I don't expect to do with this:
1 - Win the compo
2 - Do a very great job
3 - Spend more than an hour on it
What I'm saying is that I'm just entering for the heck of it, because I'm not really that interested in the competition. I know it's probably not that great compared to what the rest will be like, but I don't really care.
(i will let my brother lay it) =)
Very beautiful srry, great entry!
The little room is nice too, those pillars are simple, yet elegant
So who won this compo? @_@
I know you most likely won't be editing it again, but by using HLFix and scaling tool(select a row of verticies and scale them up or down to achieve more "roundness" in the piece, you can achieve smaller, sub-unit accuracy with NO compiling/visual errors.