Competition 21 - Shadows

Counter-Strike: Source CSS
Competition 21 - Shadows by Trapt
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 23:54:08 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike: Source
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Competition 21 - Shadows
Trapt Trapt
Counter-Strike: Source
18 years ago2006-08-04 23:54:08 UTC
18 years ago2006-08-05 03:42:55 UTC
4.80 (5)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (Hosted Externally)


So, it's been a while since I actually released anything. This is probably because I've been spending all my time and energy making my Dystopia map. And that is probably why half of this map is rushed!

I decided to take the original screenshot and turn it into a night-themed map. I'm pretty happy with the results, even though 50% of the map was made in the last day (woot for rushing!) and there are some bugs and crappy clipping.

To play, just unzip the BSP into your cstrike/maps folder and run it.

I forgot to include a readme so thanks to everyone who helped me and stuff, and good luck to everyone who entered!

Thanks to Dewdle for uploading and Rabid for hosting. Yarr.



Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 01:47:14 UTC Comment #12736
I like it. :)
A very interesting and much more sourcified version of the original... basically everything is good :P the lighting is great, and I love the long tunnel part with the red lights.
Yeh... not much to say, obviously there was a lot more that you could do, opening up the interior of a few of the buildings etc.. but other than that...
The detailing in props seemed spot on.. had a nice industrial look :>
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 01:56:33 UTC Comment #12737
Temporarily down atm. k
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 03:44:59 UTC Comment #12739
and now it's back up again. Enjoy!
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 07:04:13 UTC Comment #12742
The map itself is brilliant in terms of architecture and lighting. However my only concern in the feeling of being there...Ambience. The only sound I heard was zaaap zaaap however I can understand since you said you rushed it yesterday so we can ignore that issue.

The train track is nicely curved and the lighting all around has an artistic feel to it.

If you carried on with this then it could turn into a great train ride for a mod of some sort. Perhaps a Dystopia hologram place hmm...

I'll give you 4 but I feel 4.4 is better so rounded 'down' is a 4. If you added some ambience then I'd gladly give it a full 5. Good luck.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 07:59:03 UTC Comment #12743
It think the map is very polished and has a fair amount of detail. As others have mentioned, lighting is one of the strong points in this map.
Maybe the texture used in the 3D skybox mountains is slightly brighter than what one would expect.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 16:22:01 UTC Comment #12760
Great map! I liked the red lights on the rail, and the brushwork for the waiting area at the train stop. building detail very nice, as well as displacements. The curves for the track was well done also.

Only gripes are it was CSS, and no sounds, but None of those merit points being taken away.

Im wondering why nobody made a train on a trac_train that would ride along by........
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-18 23:57:55 UTC Comment #12866
Fantastic map, Trapt. All the brushwork is clean and sharp-looking. Displacements for the hills surounding the tracks looked real, and I liked your texture choice for everything. I especially liked the design of the track itself, and the red cage-lights are a nice touch. All in all, it's was a very 'real' looking map to me.

I've got to agree with Habboi on the sense that it lacked sound, but because you were to recreate a photo in Source, graphical interest, in my opinion, is more important. I also felt like it was somewhat small, but that's understandable, considering the size of the original screen-shot.

True though, it would have been awesome to have a functioning train that stopped at the station :heart: .

Great work; can't wait for the next Source compo to roll around to see more of your maps.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-19 13:40:31 UTC Comment #12867
Neat. Good lighting, props, etc.

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