Allies helping out Soviet forces to raise the Soviet flag once again in Stalingrad.Axis has to push back this assault.
There is a secret in this map like in most DoD maps.Actually you can see the secret in the screenshot
special thanks to Rimrook for his foggylight example map.
And this map is some sort of a gift to llod clan.You can play this map in llod server.:)
update:fixed roof so people dont jump on it now-reduced brightness for some players with adobe gamma.
You should of made the folders in the zip file. I didnt like creating them myself. Just for that, ONE STAR!! lol, jk
Really well done custom textures. Snow on the crates, the arch texture, buildings, etc.
I really liked the sprite effect in the air. Makes it feel like the northern lights
Brushwork was great. Although terrain felt a bit lacking, it was still good.
The war torn house espically was excellent.
Sounds and ambience was perfect. Custom flag model also was done well.
Lighting matched the theme of the map. Very well done.
Interesting encounter spots. Seems like it would play very well.
All in all a very well done DOD map.
Provide the proper directory structure instead of telling how to do it in a readme file!... I mean really. If you don't know what I mean by this, PM me and I'll elaborate.
+Nice texturing--except the snow was a bit repetative and too squrare imo
+Nice general architecture, but it could be more interesting
+good detail work in places, but you could use more
++Soviet Flat!!
+good performance r_speeds
--Not enough routes between each side.
--Not enough "inside"--boring
--Layout is too symmetrical, with not enough cool defining differences imo.
--Layout is too small
All in all a nice start, but this needs more development imo. Take into account I can't rate the gameplay accruately without playing it on a server, so this is just my limited, general impression.
Anywya, superb first DoD map--if it's your first
Nice review btw, the most helpfull one I got so far.Also Thanks to every1 for the positive feedback.