
Counter-Strike CS
ka_acer_remake by orglee
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-18 19:31:33 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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orglee orglee
17 years ago2007-01-18 19:31:33 UTC
17 years ago2007-01-19 10:17:52 UTC

Finaly my first fully finished map. I would like to say thanks for all people here at twhl.co.za that helped me. They didnt losed patience even when I was asking some stupid questions. Regards.
I have fixed few bugs. Feel free to change rmf or map file and publish it under your name but remember it would be nice if you'll behave like GPL Licens tells you ;)


Commented 17 years ago2007-01-19 05:16:45 UTC Comment #14028
This trampoline is specialy for that button and as Ive sad its remake of ka_acer. If you dont know how to use trampoline you wont be able to press button. After pressing button credits about idea and authors will be shown :)
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-19 06:52:10 UTC Comment #14030
Ok I will upload demo when I will fully test this map on server with over 14 people then I will agree with your critisizm if something will be interfereing with game play :) I think I'll do it today.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-19 13:33:59 UTC Comment #14034
What ? Nothing happend press once again and look at the bottom of your screen you will see "ka_acer by BONO remake by orglee" Why you call that towers sniper tower ? I dont get it this some building just for this map to be not so simple besides run ka_acer and compare it with my map.
If that two tower disturbs your game play so much delete them you have rmf file after all :P But I think that view of with tower is a little bit nicer.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-19 13:36:03 UTC Comment #14035
Oh my God I have read my posts after I will write them.
Totaly analphabetic. Its sad ;|
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-19 16:58:04 UTC Comment #14037
I don't mean to be rude in what I say. I just can't lie to you.
Im not mad. Im happy cause someone have some tips for me :)

You need to stop making aim_, fy_ and ka_ maps as soon as possible and move on to de_ and cs_ maps.
And why is that ?
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-19 22:39:40 UTC Comment #14038
You can put alot more detail into them, and they are MUCH better practice, especially as far as placement and entities.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-20 11:05:09 UTC Comment #14040
Pretty low-quality brushwork, being very under-detailed and boxy. Some of the textures are ok. The lighting is pretty bland. There is no theme whatsoever.

The layout is kinda intriguing and that jumping thinie is really pretty cool--kinda like a trampoline!

I would say in many MP fps games, much of the maps detail is lost on most players, because you're too busy for snipers and other people trying to do you harm.

In a knife map though, you have much more time to look around , since nobody has no long or medium range weapons, thereby making the them/detail/look of the map all that more important.

I'm not opposed to FY, AIM, or KA maps or other stuff besides the regular cs/de/as maps, but for god's sake if your going to make something like this, pick a theme of some sort and try to make it look interesting! A lot of times building something real or something you know makes it instantly more so.

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