Commented 18 years ago2007-02-17 04:28:19 UTCComment #14240
You had it set-up perfectly, except for 2 small details:
◘ The name of your func_trackautochange was uncapitalized, but capitalized in the Fire on Dead End field of the "upper" path track. It appears variable names are case sensitive!
◘ I changed the spin value to -90, else a weird thing happens as the train quickly reverses itself after making the turn. (If you want the train to continue backward, change the spin value to -270)
And that's it! Your map is looking great so far, keep up the good work!
Commented 18 years ago2007-02-17 06:07:28 UTCComment #14241
[qoute="rowleybob"]]?The name of your func_trackautochange was uncapitalized, but capitalized in the Fire on Dead End field of the "upper" path track. It appears variable names are case sensitive! [/qoute] Goes and shoots self in head lol... I never knew it name/target feilds were so fussy...
◘ The name of your func_trackautochange was uncapitalized, but capitalized in the Fire on Dead End field of the "upper" path track. It appears variable names are case sensitive!
◘ I changed the spin value to -90, else a weird thing happens as the train quickly reverses itself after making the turn. (If you want the train to continue backward, change the spin value to -270)
And that's it! Your map is looking great so far, keep up the good work!
Goes and shoots self in head lol... I never knew it name/target feilds were so fussy...
ps:How you get the bullet points?
• firstly, by typing ALT + 0149, with num lock on.
• secondly, by typing ALT + 7. This only works in some programs, though.
◘ = alt + 8
♠♣♦♥☻☺○ = alt and the other numbers
btw, nice map - any plans to release it?
Still decideing if I should make it into a proper mini mod type thing or just reaslh the intro maps.