Dm Fathom 2.5 is from the third level of the Minimod Fathom 2.4.
Fathom 2.4 won the TWHL compo 23 "Water" and be downloaded from
the comp results page at
Included is:
dm_fathom25.bsp - The Half-Life multiplayer map.
sound/fathom24dm/drips.wavaqua_set.rmf - A pack of submarines and underwater scooters.
aqua_set.jpg - Picture of the above in Hammer. I restored your download (after FileFront removed your files) but I couldn't find these two files, sorry - Oskar Potatis 2022fathom.wad - Contains the textures used in the above.
Prefabs created by Dadster.
Dm Fathom 2.5 created by Hotdog.
If you use the prefabs please give proper credit.
I forgot about the ripple effect, that was created by Kasberg and I use it alot so if you see it: "Thanks to Kasberg for the excellent texture"
(By the way to all, I am a crappy graphic designer so I use ALOT of other peoples textures and now that I use QuArK, I can use ALL OF THEM!!! Which I estimate to be about 20,000 textures!!!
##EDIT## (Again!!!) 2007-04
Google is doing something to my files. Location changed to FileFront and the zip should work now.
+Great ambience. It really looked like an underwater facility.
+Good textures. They suited the theme perfectly.
+Cool props. The minisubs were very detailed and unique for a HL map.
+Good lighting, areas are lit differently and each has a unique mood.
-Performance was really bad in some places. r_speeds jumped to 1500 and 6 fps because of the lower texture scale you used and the complexity of some objects.
-Connectivity is sometimes poor. Some rooms are just dead ends and there's little choice as to how to enter or leave a room. Not good for gameflow.
-I think you used a ripple effect with my animated textures without giving me credit
Overall, I think this theme works better for singleplayer. Players won't focus on the great detail while fragging, but they will care about framerates.