Mini_Cardgame - Created by Hotdog - August 2004
For Opposing Force Multiplayer
This is the first of the "Mini" series that I have built. It is a table with cards everywhere. The playing card textures are constructed as towers, triangles and some are even balancing. There is also a structure made of gambling chips! I concede that the box tower is rather unrealistic (or impossible to build with real cards) but is useful for spying out the enemy and excellent for sniping. Plenty of ammunition and weapons to keep you going.
My only two complaints: max_viewable distance runs out and things dissapear. The back side texture of the cards should have a frame in the outermost edge. When you have a row of cards with the backside showing, it's not obvious they are separate cards. You can't clearly see the limit.
Nice to see something really original!
HLDM plz <3
Also the max_viewable distance is pretty annoying, I stood up where the sniper was and 3/4 of the map was missing. Maybe it's just Josh's crap computer though.
Awesome idea too.
If you made a trap involving collapsing cards, the map would be even more kickass. ;>