
Counter-Strike CS
de_forbidden by Deathan
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-02 13:37:07 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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Deathan Deathan
16 years ago2008-03-02 13:37:07 UTC
16 years ago2008-03-02 13:37:07 UTC
4.33 (3)
full star full star full star full star half star Download (2.34mb)

Background: The ancient ruins of Am Ro'Nai are
located in Mexico. Once a great city,made by
Damarus (member of a clan named Gen Mo'Kai),
was destroyed in 6873. B.C. (Human) or 678. of
the Second Era (Gen Mo'Kai) , but the walls still
remain and resist the age of time. The superior
army of Skaarj easily defeated the Damarus army,
wich fought with ten times smaller army. Only
thing wich Skaar left unharmed were the pillars
that produced energy needed for the functionality
of the city. The Skaarj abonden the city and
Planet Earth about 5000 B.C. Approximately the
same time they left the Earth, Humans were
settled by the superior race (The name of the race
is lost). Although the Humans are on this planet
about 7000 years the ruins haven't been discovered
until 2008. A.D. (Human), or 3066. of the Third Era
(Gen Mo'Kai). The Pillars still produce the energy but...

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorists
bombing the ancient pillars of Gen Mo'Kai.

Terrorists: Destroy the ancient pillars of
Gen Mo'Kai.

Other Notes: There are 2 bomb sites in this

There are 32 spawn points.
Map for Counter-Strike 1.6


Commented 16 years ago2008-03-06 22:04:06 UTC Comment #16489
This is really good. Layout is kinda grid like, but there are some good areas for combat/camping. Well developed, good texturing (better than aztec)

Poly count is ok given the detailed brushwork and attention to detail.

One problem I have would be the walls all ending at the same height. There is nothing to look up at to accomodate the setting. Either some monumental pillar or idols, or even some basic brush cliffs extend upward like machu pichu. There evidence of cliffs anyway on the edges of the map.

Its good. Needs a little wax to make it perfect.
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-07 10:15:55 UTC Comment #16491
Layout is very grid like, I agree. :)
The problem with making walls not ending at the same height, it's my phobia of not getting my maps compiled. If I put too much details in map, I usually end up with some error :(
So, yes, map is blocky. But excellent for CS.
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-09 00:21:23 UTC Comment #16492
Texturing 10/10
Great texturing, very nice and suits perfectly. The only mistake I could find is in the corners the texture mirrors onto the next side which looks wrong but this was the only thing so I give you 10.

Team Balance 9/10
Very well balanced. Terrorists have a decent chance as there are different routes to take as well as two bomb sites.

Design 9/10
A good map. A little bit too repetitive but otherwise good layout and a few interesting features.

Ambience 6/10
There were no ambient sounds but the lighting was good, especially in the tunnels.

Map Skill 9/10
Very nice trims everywhere but again, a bit too repetitive. You have very good skills, nice work!

Total 9/10 (5 stars)
Well done! A great map and that looks great, has a very good layout and will mean that players need to work together to win this one. I hope you next work is as good as this.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-05 19:16:27 UTC Comment #16619
Neat stuff!

I like the detail in the trims, but it's a little repetitive after a while. It seems a bit blocky to me, but since it's a temple made out of stone, it guess that fits. The textures are fine but also repetitive; they also seem a bit stretched, but I don't know for sure. The layout seems very neat and original, but I'd have to play it to really get a feel for it.

The r_speeds are quite acceptable in many areas despite the details, but they're also quite high in a lot of areas too. Ran smooth for me on my crap computer so not a big deal i guess.

I liked the detail "needle eye" thing, and the pool, and it would be nice to see more stuff like that and some sounds to spice it up a bit. Lighting is little dark like a twilight map, so lighting is a little bland and too even imo. (my fav maps are dark with high contrast lighting)

Anyway, i can tell you put a lot of work into this despite all my criticisms, so i give 4 stars for pure effort and an very respectable map.

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