Half-Life Static Friction

Half-Life HL
Half-Life Static Friction by hlife_hotdog
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-13 20:53:03 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Half-Life Static Friction
hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog
14 years ago2009-11-13 20:53:03 UTC
14 years ago2009-11-15 00:20:11 UTC
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Half-Life: Static Friction BETA Demo 1.2

Well, here it is, finally. Please report any problems immediately to my email below. I've disabled ratings as this is a Beta Demo so it shouldn't get ratings.

We would appreciate your time to read through this document so you are aware of any currently know issues, and also how to report issues you come up against that are not documented here.

About This Document:

This document contains last-minute information about Half-Life: Static Friction, including questions you may have concerning the game or your computer. If you have a question, check to see if it is addressed here first: you may save yourself the time waiting for an email response.


Windows(r) 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (untested)
Pentium 4, 512 MB RAM
OpenGL or Direct 3D graphics card with at least 64mb RAM, high color (32-bit)
Windows-compatible sound card
Mouse, keyboard


If you receive client.dll errors, make sure fmodex.dll, devil.dll, cg.dll and cgGL.dll are in the engine folder (where hl.exe) is located. If it still crashes, try updating hw.dll and sw.dll with newer ones from spirit. If any of these dll's are missing, contact me and I will send them to you.

Half-Life: Static Friction uses new effects and graphic enhancements. Please try and run the mod in OpenGL, however some people have encountered issues with playing in OpenGL, or your card may not support OpenGL. In this instance, switch to Direct 3D. DO NOT run in software mode, stability is not guaranteed.

Half-Life: Static Friction has NOT been playtested for WON Half-Life. It has been playtested on Half-Life for the Steam platform. If you only own the WON version of Half-Life, please, we encourage you to play it and let us know if you encountered any errors. Many users still play on the WON version, and we would like to ensure compatibility.


1. Some users have had the game freeze when loading a saved game from the main menu. If you encounter this error, there is a simple way to bypass. Open Half-Life: Static Friction and start a new game, once the game has started, press ESC and then load your game.

2. If you encounter areas of play where you encounter poor FPS, or it becomes lagging, please note down the location and report to the developers at the below email. It is likely you will encounter areas with heavy rendering and because everyone's computer is different, the more areas we diagonse as having poor framerate, the better we can enhance the mod for everyone.

2. Although playtested numerous times, we cannot guarantee that the game will not, for any reason, crash or freeze. Please be patient and try again. If the problem persists, please contact us, and report the error.


We encourage you to leave general feedback or your thoughts on the mod so please comment or make a forum post wherever you downloaded this mod. If you encounter technical faults or difficulties, please email us for the quickest possible response.


Disclaimer and Legal Stuff:
This mod may be NOT re-distributed in any form without the written permission of the devolopers. The mod MAY NOT be sold, used commercially, or distributed on tangible media such as magazine cover CDs, without permission from the developers.

This software and any related documentation is provided "as-is", without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the Half-Life: Static Friction Team or its associates be liable for any damages whatsoever. By playing the mod, you accept all terms and conditions.


Commented 14 years ago2009-11-13 21:19:36 UTC Comment #8252
please, please take up muzz's offer to host it. Filefront is horrific. 120kbps?! *dies
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-13 21:23:22 UTC Comment #8253
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-13 21:23:35 UTC Comment #8254
He is, but he has to download and upload it himself because I keep timing out from his server, because of my connection not stable.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-13 21:24:19 UTC Comment #8459
FileFront's OK. 200 kB/s ≈ 20 minutes download time.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-13 21:47:25 UTC Comment #8403
Not going to upload it today, will do it tomorrow, plenty of time to do it. :)

It took me several hours to download it from Filefront. Fail Filefront is fail.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 00:26:47 UTC Comment #8277
BTW, i'm sorry for the boring disclaimer for the description, I couldn't be bothered writing more shit. So I copy/paste the readme file
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 02:56:02 UTC Comment #8269
Major slowdown when you emerge from the ground into the burned-out room, second map I think. Smoke particles everywhere probably had something to do with it.

Mapping seems quite nice so far, but I have to say an awful lot of the custom and ported skins and models you're using don't fit the design of Half-Life at all. They stand out far more than they should.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 06:58:20 UTC Comment #8265
Quite a nice set of maps and I really like the way some of the effects were pulled off. Impressive.

It has some major issues however.

OpenGL - R_Speeds are terrible throughout the entire pack
D3D - Major delays with controls in sprite and effect heavy areas.

Plus all the Source content which is a no no I believe.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 12:27:17 UTC Comment #8258
Ok, I have a major problem. I can't play this mod. I'm running it at 4 fps =))

I have an ATI Radeon HD4850 card...
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 15:59:41 UTC Comment #8285
It runs fine for me most of the time, expert for that part where an entire room is engulfed with flames and smoke, major fps killer there.

Also, that bobble effect (don't know the official term) when you walk is making me dizzy.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 16:14:08 UTC Comment #8259
2 hours, 40 minutes remaining 0.o
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 17:04:35 UTC Comment #8260
I've updated the download link. It now links to my host.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 17:17:01 UTC Comment #8251
Half-life v1.1.1.1 is actually the latest WON release.... Have you not updated through Steam or something?
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 18:06:05 UTC Comment #1884
Half-life v1.1.1.1 is an unofficial release only to enable multiplayer games through WON Half-Life.

The latest official patch is
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 20:00:31 UTC Comment #1885
Holy shit... this is one good-looking fun Half-Life mod. The mapping, models and everything is perfect, except for g-man who looks a bit weird. You really need to fix the lag tho.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 20:49:06 UTC Comment #1886
goddamn I really wanted to try this mod, theres some pretty good feedback, but when I load up the game in steam it crashes at the splash screen, saying something about cll_dlls/client.dll cant use or something :S
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 21:35:43 UTC Comment #1882
Is replacement of all those dlls in the Half-Life folder with your version going to screw anything up? Is there any need to replace them at all?
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 21:43:03 UTC Comment #1879
I tried not replacing them and my computer basically froze at the splash screen...

EDIT: After backing up the original DLLs and replacing them I got the same freezing at the splash screen. That's pretty annoying after downloading a nearly 250MB mod. :\
How many machines did you test this on anyway?
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 23:23:12 UTC Comment #1890
I'm just going to wait it out until this is out of beta. Crashing my computer 3 times in one day is not what I call a well spent weekend.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-15 07:42:48 UTC Comment #4216
I loved it. there were some bugs tho:

1. the elevator level, when the game loaded it i got s tuck in the elevator and died. had to reload.

2. the duct with the invisible lader, the lader is a bit too hard to get to. took me ages to get in that duct.

3. the room with fire and smoke in it UBER lagged me out, had like 0.1 fps.

4. the room with the wierd snark thing also had lags.

besides these bugs, 5/5 stars so far.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-15 09:51:48 UTC Comment #3766
It annoys the shit out of me that some people have problems and others don't, I thought the point of having Steam was to make sure everyone had the same version?? This is really ticking me off :@
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-15 11:53:49 UTC Comment #4747
Some don't update their games because it takes too long, others have WON.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-15 14:06:16 UTC Comment #4748
"2. the duct with the invisible lader, the lader is a bit too hard to get to. took me ages to get in that duct."
Did you use the computer chair?
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-15 18:20:54 UTC Comment #4749
I am using Steam fully updated, still couldn't play it.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-15 22:33:29 UTC Comment #4750
Ok I tried what VS did and it worked, just copied two of those missing Dll files to the HL directory.

The game was good overall but I had constant lag, 5 metres i'd be on 75fps then the next 5 metres, I'd be on 25 fps, and a few of the rooms, such as the smokey one, the outside area especially where that truck was and automated turrets come down and shoot you, where my fps dropped to like 4 so yeah pretty much the whole game was lagging for me

I only had to noclip once, at the scene where you got off the elevator and theres some marines in one door and a garg in the other. The first time nothing happened so I killed myself, the second time, the garg chased around and killed a marine but still nothing. The vent in the security room was too high to reach, so I had to no clip through it.

I liked the elevator scene, thought it was pretty cool, and I liked the music that was played throughout massive + for that, very fitting too, the elevator music sounded like something from terminator, I loved it

I also think it was great that you made your own custom weapons, however the pistol was pretty crap and blocky and the cross hairs for the guns were pretty crap, but the rest of the guns were very cool, just need some refinement

Other than that, no problems with it, got slightly bored as I got to the outdoor area, nice save, changing up the environment, so at the moment I'd have to give it 3/5 because of the lagging, and the refinement you still need to do, but hey, its still in beta! when its finished I'll be able to give it 5/5
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-15 23:57:05 UTC Comment #4751
"The vent in the security room was too high to reach, so I had to no clip through it."
You're supposed to use the computer chair (I think. That's what I did).

"however the pistol was pretty crap and blocky and the cross hairs for the guns were pretty crap"
I liked the pistol, it's not beautiful, but it has a nice feel. The crosshairs are good, I think.

And yes, the lag was awful.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-16 00:48:36 UTC Comment #4692
I couldn't reach the vent with the chair :S lol! weird

the cross hairs could have been made interactive to reflect recoil or just be simple crosses instead of circles and the pistol was good to shoot with, but I personally think could have been refined more, reminded me of the weapons in poke 646

Lag must be fixed!
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-16 15:20:47 UTC Comment #4684
""2. the duct with the invisible lader, the lader is a bit too hard to get to. took me ages to get in that duct."
Did you use the computer chair?"

no shit sherlock. is there any other way to get up there besides that?

anyway, im using steam.

"has anyone had these errors:
missing sprites/hud_title.spr
missing sprites/hud_scope_deagle.spr
missing sprites/hud_Scope_barett.spr"

i get them when the map is loaded
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-16 16:09:39 UTC Comment #4685
"""2. the duct with the invisible lader, the lader is a bit too hard to get to. took me ages to get in that duct."
Did you use the computer chair?"

no shit sherlock. is there any other way to get up there besides that?"
The thing is, I got up on the first try, so I thought you must be doing something terribly wrong.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-16 22:46:29 UTC Comment #4686
awesome! downloading! =)
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-17 04:39:08 UTC Comment #4687
A few more things,

the pistol and cross hairs are okay actually, after playing through again, I realise that they are suitable

I finally figured out how to get up the "invisible ladder" took a while, didn't realise that was what the invisible ladder was :P I was using the filing cabinet, but you need to use the chair and be looking up :P

Some minor criticisms about the interactive cinematic intro at the start, you actually get to stand next to gman, even though you're unarmed, it kinda differs from the half-life tradition, you could see freeman in the test chamber waiting with the sample even though the sample shouldn't have been there yet, and then when the accident happened, freeman just stood there, and also, after you black out, you just appear in a random corridor

Those were all very picky observations, and I'm sure many people didn't notice them or atleast didn't mind them, it didn't really faze me but should be kept in mind for perfectionism :P if that even is a word

A really good feature was the use of scripted sequences like when the zombie tryed to pull open the security doors then smashed them, theyre great and make a level unique

I can't wait for the final of this!

EDIT: Oh and also, the headcrabs jumping off the host's heads when killed was a great adition that made the mod unique, oh and the HUD
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-04 18:56:01 UTC Comment #4436
Finally played this- mapping and textures are decent, and the demo worked on WON.
A few things, though:
  • Change the sci in the intro to Glasses- Valve have stated that it was supposed to be Kleiner!
  • Shitloads of ported content- D:
  • Foul language coming from Issac (Kliener..?) If it's supposed to be Kliener, I suggest a manner closer to his.
  • HUD mostly the crosshairs, flashlight, and the opaque weapon selection confused me. Also, Hivehand does NOT use .50cal ammo!
  • Note for the final release that Alyx was an infant during the Black Mesa incident. Please, note.
  • Weapons are cool, but the SAW and Deagle need work.
Other things that have been stated, such as the vent problem. This mod has potential, but also a great deal of things that must be fixed, even just to make it legal.

The Security and keypad props are ported, btw. If you want me to make new versions of the zombies and such, let me know. The Hgibs model has a nice skull I could edit for the head.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-04 21:57:07 UTC Comment #4438
I never can connect to Muzzle's website... please provide more than 1 host.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-07 20:31:05 UTC Comment #4312
K. sorry it's taken me so long to review this! (i'm reviewing as i'm playin)

+love the splash and music
+custom HUD win!
+love how you "list" side to side when strafing..ZOMG
! I tried to set up fast weapon switch to mouse2 for the crowbar. is this a HLSF thing or did the original HL never support fast switch (can't rememb)
+weapons look and sound SOO much sexieer than originals.
!Enemies still seem enourmously hard to kill even if you score headshots (so far)
+that custom zombie sound is tripping me out =)
+custom headcrabbed-barney looks great!(who made him? =))
+custom hev/medpack SO COOL =)
+that intermittent door is SWEET. (is it on paths?)
+that zombie whailing is still freaking me out. it's like i have a headcrab on my head and i'm struggling to breathe/escape...very good =)
++Elevator cutscene/gameplay AWESOME!! =)
+grunts pretty hard to kill but i guess that's realistic for an armored opponent.
+Like the custom music =)
+Gawd! love the custom weapons; m203 <3 (did u update since last time?)
+that burning destroyed area is cool.
!burning area is also the first place in the mod i start to lag (wpoly fine, epoly 60,000 (don't know what a good number for epoly is))
!lag pretty bad (for me) at first combat after fire room too
+yay female barney! don't rememeber her from before (i wish she could stop rotating when i walk around so i could properly assess her boobs) =)
+yay when she activates door i get the full 360 degree, nice =)
!accuracy for m203 doesn't seem to increase when you crouch. (are you supposed to get a tighter group when crouched?)
!glock seems WAY more accurate than the m203 rifle. is this by design?
+female barney's personal defense weapon is pretty nice. what is it?
!female barney doesn't make the crouch to next room. i suppose it's intended?
+i like the awp custom model =)
!gets really laggy as you enter the "High-Security Storage facility"
+pretty fun gameplay in the wharhouse with the crates and shipping containers and truck.. =)
!when i break the glass in the control room i get this console message:
No such sentence group MA_CHEC
!when i try pressing the button under the glass i get this one:
No such sentence group MA_IDL
!(i'm assuming the 2 previous means i missed some part of the sprinkler sequence, which i only see the drips after the fire is extinguished)
+"black ops" guys look cool. did i see an animation of one of them "limping" away when he's taken some damage?
!I've learned the hard way that melee with the crowbar is highly ineffective against grunts.. =(
+that's pretty cool that the black ops grunt can plant an explosive charge.. NEAT =)
!Unbelievable lag as i come back to the door of the high-security storage area..(+187,000 epoly)
++fun gameplay in the new helipad area! (glad i saved my snarks) =)
++The end credits looks great! (did you do this with spirit, or can you accomplish the same thing in vanilla HL?
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-29 10:41:06 UTC Comment #17923
Wow, lots of questions. I'll do my best to answer them all.

1. Q: I tried to set up fast weapon switch to mouse2 for the crowbar. is this a HLSF thing or did the original HL never support fast switch (can't rememb)

A: I'm not entirely sure, I don't think Half-Life supports it. Maybe...

2. Q: custom headcrabbed-barney looks great!(who made him? =))

A: Jeffmod updated him from a pack I believe

3. Q: that intermittent door is SWEET. (is it on paths?)

A: Yes, func_train.

4: Q: glock seems WAY more accurate than the m203 rifle. is this by design?

A: It's a minor problem, it is 90% accurate, however, the crosshair is not centered properly. Will be fixed.

5: Q: accuracy for m203 doesn't seem to increase when you crouch. (are you supposed to get a tighter group when crouched?)

A: This isn't a feature built into Half-Life, we might add later.

6. Q: "black ops" guys look cool. did i see an animation of one of them "limping" away when he's taken some damage?

A: Yes you did, but even regular grunts do this.

7: Q: The end credits looks great! (did you do this with spirit, or can you accomplish the same thing in vanilla HL?

A: Yes, it's just using a formatted titles.txt entry. Vanilla Half-Life can easily do this with some effort.

Yes, lag is an issue. It will be reviewed. And I'm really glad someone liked my helipad map. I put alot of effort into the design of it.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-05 11:56:46 UTC Comment #17939
No mirrors still?
Commented 2 years ago2022-06-04 18:50:52 UTC Comment #104512
The download works if you copy the address ( https://twhl.info/vault/download/5366 ) and paste it into your browser's address bar. The reason clicking doesn't work is that the download is hosted on The Mighty Atom's website which is HTTP only and these days browsers are getting more and more restrictions on unencrypted/insecure websites.

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