Half-Life HL
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-23 12:30:26 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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mcpoker mcpoker
Mod files
13 years ago2011-12-23 12:30:26 UTC
13 years ago2012-01-08 23:59:20 UTC
4.06 (17)
full star full star full star full star half star Download (14.25mb)

This is finalera versionale mia mod called MCPOKER it my name and it will make u cry with depp storline and is vrey god and fun to playera. contains help of friends gorobor nd joe it really god

thanks for download and reviewra this mod it makes mefeel from very buttom of my heart it makes me cry to make you show mod and happy will updatera i make new mod called mcpoker 2 ressurection of evil and yes its on source


Commented 13 years ago2011-12-23 20:37:04 UTC Comment #19690
Incredible, guaranteed to be a classic.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-23 21:53:10 UTC Comment #19691
Soooo.... what were you saying?
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-23 23:53:31 UTC Comment #19692
Wow, breath taking to say the least. I kinda enjoyed this one even if it was a bit short. I liked the Joebama ball.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-24 00:16:58 UTC Comment #19693
Shhh! :P
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-24 00:34:32 UTC Comment #19694
Mod of the month. No doubt.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-24 01:20:55 UTC Comment #19695
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-24 01:55:00 UTC Comment #19696
I just finished this mod, it certainly lives up to the hype that you see here, although there are some small suggestions I'd like to make.
  • The boss was too easy, I literally walked through them
  • mod was a bit too short, would have liked to see more
But overall this was a really good mod with lots of funny moments and strategic typographical manipulations. The plot was well done since the mapping was consistent with said plot. There are also cute cameos, who doesn't love those. And you just can't forget the sexy new sentences for the hot barneys and little scientists.

I experienced no errors, crashes, or freezes whatsoever playing this mod. That's already better than about 10% of all the mods I've played, including DAV sub, which always crashes at some point and Heart of Evil, which crashes at that one part with the rain and the level change. I'd say it's even better than Sweet half life because that mod cannot allow HD pack, but I'm sure this mod can handle it no problem. Overall, a really entertaining and more importantly, a flawless mod.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-24 03:23:06 UTC Comment #19697
I really hope this is a troll, there is no way it can't be.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-24 10:15:25 UTC Comment #19668
im not troll i put heart into work
THnaks guy it reviewra it god and will motivate me to mods in future
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-24 21:25:47 UTC Comment #19381
Fun test mod, it reminds me of my first maps. Should probably be moved to "unfinshed" section.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-25 02:52:55 UTC Comment #19382
^^ uff 10 mins of gameplay. Interesting idea with the models etc. but you should rather put more work into working yourself through the tutorials before you continue working on any new mods. I'm just not a fan of such fun mods. Never the less nice work of course. :)
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-25 04:59:55 UTC Comment #19383

"U halp scientst or dey go 2 haven."
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-25 05:54:24 UTC Comment #19384
No Captain Terror, I think McPoker is quite satisfied with this mod. I mean he keeps calling it "god". Clearly he worships it!
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-25 08:47:14 UTC Comment #19385
This is a masterpiece. You nailed it - amazing work. :D
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-27 02:10:54 UTC Comment #18834
"It all in the ball the world is in cripple. McPoker is dying in Xen. He dead. McPoker is dead."
Commented 13 years ago2012-01-10 10:21:36 UTC Comment #13938
A classic. I truly enjoyed playing through this mod.
Commented 13 years ago2012-02-01 10:30:51 UTC Comment #19782
Absolutely astonishing. Riveting storyline and character development, +5
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-29 23:14:13 UTC Comment #19862
Map of the YEAR
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-28 15:04:19 UTC Comment #19992
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-30 13:32:43 UTC Comment #19994
I've herd about this mod, it must be unbelievable..
Commented 12 years ago2012-12-16 02:07:42 UTC Comment #20210
Astonishing. It's important to remember that the full enjoyment of this mod requires a certain acquired taste and perhaps some maturity in the appreciative side of your mind.
Commented 12 years ago2013-01-21 05:43:44 UTC Comment #20231
I must play this again... this mod is majestic :o
Commented 12 years ago2013-01-31 02:06:41 UTC Comment #20241
Fun, funny. Could have been funnier and more fun, if it was polished a little bit more. It is ok, I guess.
Commented 12 years ago2013-02-08 12:55:53 UTC Comment #18390
no it's better than cats, i wan't to play it again and again.. it's so damn good :o
Commented 11 years ago2014-01-11 22:06:57 UTC Comment #20416
Commented 11 years ago2014-01-12 13:01:19 UTC Comment #20417
Worse than cancer.
Commented 11 years ago2014-01-12 13:30:52 UTC Comment #20418
Even as its role as a satire/troll mod, this really does not deserve to be in the "Top Maps" section.
Unfortunately, as much as I love satire, balance must be maintained. 1 Star.
Commented 10 years ago2014-04-02 20:46:42 UTC Comment #20501
Commented 10 years ago2014-04-29 00:02:31 UTC Comment #20540
Twice as hard as the original half life

OMG 2 of the bosses ! :x
Commented 10 years ago2014-08-28 02:19:47 UTC Comment #18358
I'll help out Urbs and Jeff. Because, y'know, they are right.

EDIT: And I'm glad to say that I was the one that knocked your precious shitehawk off the Top Maps section >=)
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-30 16:55:24 UTC Comment #20864
The screen shot alone vividly depicts your plethora of knowledge on structural engineering and integrity, texture alignment (which you're a fierce beast at (ask Archie, I think he'd vouch for you on it.)), FAN F'ing TASTIC re skinning with advanced technology such as uh idunno ms paint? You are a pro with the fill bucket and that magical click within the lines honestly makes my legs tremble a little bit.

You've brought new lights to Nintendo's golden gun with gold source's advanced shaders HD (heavy duty/High definition/heavy dump) developers kit. Um, i'm no expert but you must have used sledge to make this in order for such complex diagonal cuts to even consider possible rendering within anywhere near on grid. I see this mod is a bringer of tears to all who play and even those who contribute to its creation. What a beautiful thing, almost like a toucan or a old rusty dented trash can in the wind rolling into the street that one must dodge in the neighborhood. Very beautiful, makes me cry myself very often. When i'm on the john and I remember those bosses and how hard they were, I often find myself scared and alone but then my floating friends join the pool party and warmth, yes warmth falls below me. The ever so familiar odor of achievement and spatial calamity constitutes a divine barrier that if one enters, it's their problem, not mine, sort of like i'm the spider and my feet don't stick to the web.

Mc poker, you've poked me Myles C. right in the heart, i'll never forget what you've forged from void in this time capsule that I hope climbs the cyber escalator to eternity. I would rate, but five stars would be like offering a whale a minnow to eat in this case.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-30 18:54:02 UTC Comment #20865
Bringing this back up to five stars!
Commented 8 years ago2016-08-30 14:16:49 UTC Comment #20513
Even in 2016 this mod still lives up to it's name. 10/10 "it makes mefeel from very buttom of my heart it makes me cry"
Commented 2 years ago2022-09-30 00:06:27 UTC Comment #104817
A very Funny Mod :D

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