First Blood

Half-Life HL
First Blood by hardcore_gamer
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 02:35:29 UTC • Unfinished • Half-Life
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First Blood
hardcore_gamer hardcore_gamer
9 years ago2015-03-29 02:35:29 UTC
9 years ago2015-03-29 14:09:35 UTC
4.00 (1)
full star full star full star full star empty star Download

Fallowing the release of the awesome Brutal Half-life mod which was inspired by the Brutal Doom mod for Doom, I decided to make a Doom style map for Half-life (it works with vanilla Half-life also, but using Brutal Half-life is recommended for the proper experience). Like in Doom, the player has to collect keycards to unlock new areas of the map and level design is abstracted rather than realistic.

I would say that about 40-50% of the level is done right now, though I don't really know how big the level will end up once done. It's all subject to change of course. To run just put the bsp into the map folder and type into the console "map firstblood".

I hope the map is any good so far and look forward to hearing your feedback :)


Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 10:36:21 UTC Comment #14340
I think you meant that it works with vanilla Half-Life. If you made a map compatible across whole games, I'd be impressed =P

Anyway. This looks alright from the screenie, I might check this out.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 14:08:31 UTC Comment #14341
ops it was suppose to say brutal half-life! I will fix it now. I also think I will add a couple of more screenshots.

EDIT: How do I add extra screens? When I went to edit map and picked another shot the map page still has only the original screenshot.

EDIT: Actually not it appears but it merely replaced the old screenshot instead of being added. How do I ADD shots instead of replacing the old one?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 15:34:02 UTC Comment #16338
You can't.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 18:55:38 UTC Comment #16334
Welcome to TWHL - It's broken here.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 00:00:39 UTC Comment #16337
Gave it a go in regular Half-Life so as to judge the map itself, without being distracted by Brutal Half-Life's wonderful... well... brutality I guess. I assume the toxic slime room is the last area so far?

The map is OK at the moment. I guess I'm not really a fan of having to fight through huge hordes of enemies that are just standing around. The spectacle offered by Brutal Half-Life's gore would surely make this slightly more entertaining.

I prefer maps with a little story to them as well as a sense of place. Although it was difficult to convey back in 1993, Doom did still have a plot and a setting. I'm just not sure what kind of location this map is meant to be set in...

I won't properly rate it until it's finished however. :)
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 01:49:01 UTC Comment #16255
Thank you for your feedback! I actually agree that the original starting area is a little bit lame, and will probably redesign it considerably. As for not liking to fight hordes, well that is more of a personal preference rather than a fact, but I guess not everybody likes the same style of play. I think the biggest problem with the starting area is that because it's so wide the zombies aren't really that dangerous to you. Like I said I will probably end up redesigning that part of the map.

Is there anything else about the map you feel like sharing?
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-22 10:52:49 UTC Comment #20856
I really like the idea, I'm gonna try to make something like this myself. Maybe port some doom levels with some adjusted HL elements.

I'd rate it 3 right now because:
- unfinished
- lacking details
- open areas need tweaking, zombies gotta be more of a hallway monster (the first room I'd replace zombies with houndeyes)
- needs more keycard gameplay
- I'd like to see more colored lighting / more tone / ambience

But I liked:
+ lacking details, all you need is good ol' quake architecture and you got some of it right.
+ keycards
+ showcases Brutal HL mod well

Please finish it!

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