Lighting & Glow in NgDuterte

Half-Life HL
Lighting & Glow in NgDuterte by EdTheDope
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-05 09:27:40 UTC • Problems • Half-Life
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Lighting & Glow in NgDuterte
EdTheDope EdTheDope
7 years ago2017-05-05 09:27:40 UTC
7 years ago2017-05-06 13:41:20 UTC

My first attempt at a proper map. I'm very new to this whole mapping scene. Having trouble and I'm sure you guys will find a lot that's wrong with it. Main issue is the lighting i cant get it right and i cant seem to get the crystals in the cavern to glow properly so I removed all the light entities. Please map gods help a newcomer out let me know what I'm doing wrong and if you have time make some adjustments so i can see how certain things are done.

Update: I realize this map is very flawed and i wont continue to work on it but i will leave it up for people to laugh at and for me to look back and realize what not to do.


Commented 7 years ago2017-05-06 09:43:47 UTC Comment #20985
Dude, you forgot to include your wad file. I don't have the textures this map uses so I had to fly around pink-checkerboard textured map and here's what I have found:
  1. Lots of holes in the geometry (I suppose that's the reason you placed the whole map into a big skybox, never do it :) )
  2. Overlapping brushes. It causes faces to overlap which looks bad.
  3. Func_walls where they shouldn't be. You can't seal the map with entities. That's why you must use world brushes.
  4. After applying vanilla HL textures to the cliffs I figured out that the texture scale on them is too low. it must be at least 4.000 by X and Y. It will make the cliffs look nicer and will reduce the performance impact a bit.
  5. func_ladder must be textured with AAATRIGGER. The brush that represents ladder must be either func_wall or func_illusionary with a clip brush inside it.
  6. Your map almost hits the limits, so you should reduce it's size a bit.
  7. Are you sure this map is for HL? When I opened it using Counter-Strike assets I saw some of CS textures inside the temple.
Please, upload your wad texture file and read all beginner and intermediate tutorials from the tutorial section. This will help you a lot, trust me :)

I also suggest you to start it over instead of trying to fix this map. You can still copy-paste some parts of this one to the new map so don't worry.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-06 15:00:11 UTC Comment #20986
if you have lots of LEAK LEAK LEAK, your map lightling will end up badly.

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