Hellooo. I stearted to hate how the CS icon looks. This white background with the shadow of the guy with MP5. Ugh. And it doesn't look really modern. So I made a 3 new icons using GIMP. The first one is an inverted colors one. Now the guy looks like an angel (or a ghost) in the dark, modern looking, background. I love it (and I use it now). The other two are more gender stuff. There is a boy icon, which is the normal icon, but with 1-2 blue filters, and the other one is a girl icon, with (and you guessed it) a pink-purple filter. If you like them, I'll make more. Just comment if you want it, because is a job away from the mapping, and it's really simple ( apart from choosing the best filters and colors and brushes). Bye fellas, and don't forget to stop rushing B, cuz there are campers everywhere.