
Half-Life HL
Town by xzerio
Posted 2 years ago2022-07-19 00:27:35 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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xzerio xzerio
2 years ago2022-07-19 00:27:35 UTC
2 years ago2022-07-19 21:16:09 UTC
3.33 (3)
full star full star full star half star empty star Download (2.32mb)

Short actiony map were you fight a bunch of HECU marines through a small town

Edit: original download was missing a wad


Commented 2 years ago2022-07-20 15:37:54 UTC Comment #104668
Architecture — 4
Texturing — 5
Ambience — 6
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 6

I assume this is your first map. First off, its very hard when you just get kicked in into battle, there are a bunch of enemies, makes this a very hard map. Second, the grunts rarely got stuck on a corner or they just sat there, wich is kinda cool. There are a lot of empty parts that make the map feel very eerie for some weird reason. Also, my health and shield drained very quickly, and since there is not a single trigger_autosave, you have to restart the whole map if you die.

Also, it does needs some city noises, things like cars, a street, etc...
Commented 2 years ago2022-07-21 22:47:58 UTC Comment #104678
Architecture — 5
Texturing — 6
Ambience — 0
Lighting — 6
Gameplay — 6

Not bad for what I assume is an early attempt at mapping. It's a refreshing change to see a map with a nodegraph so at least the grunts actually engage the player. One thing I will say is that the rotating doors around the map are a little excessive, especially in the tighter interior spaces. These can get stuck on corpses and can make it tricky for the AI to navigate, even with great node placement.

Overall, design wise, it's very basic and the building interiors don't really resemble anything, besides perhaps the bar. However, that just throws into perspective how silent the map is outside of combat. It would be good to hear some ambience in the outdoor areas.

The map was a fairly easy, even on the Hardest difficulty. Giving the player almost full suit charge from the start makes the opening fights trivial and by the end I was decimating entire squads with explosives before they could get a shot off.

Also, something I see far too often is this issue with fences and ladders. Is suspect this is because it LOOKS correct in JACK, when actually it's wrong. You should use the Solid rendermode, not Additive.
User posted image
User posted image
Also, try making the fences func_illusionary so you and the grunts can actually shoot through it, and then use clip brushes to prevent the player and grunts walking through it. :D

Stick with it. I hope to see more maps from you in future, and seeing how your levels develop. :D
Commented 2 years ago2023-02-16 02:35:26 UTC Comment #105102
Architecture — 5
Texturing — 5
Ambience — 2
Lighting — 3
Gameplay — 6

Starting with some fun aspects that I liked:
I like how the area where you fight particularly enjoyed the office area, as you had to pick which doors you wanted to go through for the best combat advantage based on the positional sound of the HECU grunts. The layout of the one barracks area with the tower was pretty neat, and I liked the idea of fighting a tougher enemy in the sniper tower giving you a height advantage. If honed in on future maps you make, I think choosing your fights in that way could be great!

Things that could be improved:
I think the lighting in the first combat section is a tad poor. It's somewhat hard to see the field and what's still left to take down, ending up with unecessary damage being taken by a straggling grunt or the turret towards the back of the section. I also think a missed opportunity was to allow for more stealth within the map, as it can sometimes add a lot of depth to combat encounters.

Overall, I think this was a neat little combat-orientated map! With some fine-tuning of some of the best aspects in the map, and potentially adding more to some of the finer details like ambience, I think you could make a super great and fun map! :)

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