Redead-ITA TestMap
This is a map made as a way to learn how to do Half life mapping.
This is my first post in the site and i though of sharing this thing i've been working on.
I am mostly known in the doom community for doing doom maps,
but i wanted to move on to other game envirements and trying mapping in other fronts,
and half life seemed to hit that spot for me somewhat.
Stuff to note about this map:
It has no end as it is implied by the name, nor does it plan to have one.
It's very much inspired by tf2 trade maps somewhat, with some lot of parts to explore and whatnot.
The computer with the blue light is meant to be a button you can press, however it's very clear so
just to point that out.
The screenshots are taken in the editor, not because the map is umplayabale but because i can't arse myself to make screenies in game.
Edit: I apperently uploaded the same vault item twice, so i removed the bad copy.