Wanted to add bubbles in a map but didn't know how, figured out and now want to share what i learned.
This map includes:
- Different variations of env_bubbles entity.
- Model from the original game "pipe_bubbles.mdl"
- env_shooter shooting bubbles.
- func_conveyer with scroll texture of bubbles.
Quick resume of env_bubbles variations:
- With this entity, bubbles can't go downwards nor horizontally.
- To have vertical bubbles, set speed of current to 0 (Yaw doesn't matter in that case).
- Speed of current isn't just setting speed of bubbles but also angle which they go on. That means you can't have 2 different speeds on same angle. (for example vertical bubbles speed can't be changed)
- Having negative speed of current will technically just change Yaw by 180.