Map details and misc Last edited 2 years ago2022-07-06 01:56:01 UTC

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Hello, and welcome! Do you remember your last map? Do you thing your map detail is very, very simple? Do you think its full of empty corridors, boring walls and liminal rooms? Say no more! In this guide, you will learn how to improve your map detailing skills. Lets begin.

Please note that this guide is a WIP (Work in progress). I could be wrong, or this could be incomplete.

Part 1: Walls

Lets start with one of the basics of the map: Walls. You will get a lot of wall textures, but we will only try one. Open your editor, and create a map. Then, make a wall with the texture C1A0_WX . If you are using J.A.C.K. , you can skip this part.
It should look like this:
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Now, we are duplicate that wall (Drag+Shift), and we are gonna resize it until it reaches the same height as the grate in the texture:

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Now we are gonna make it as thick as the grate, and we are gonna replace the C1A0_WX with the C2A4E_W1 texture. We are also gonna duplicate the brush and move the clone to the top of the original (Note: DUPLICATE , dont resize the original brush)
User posted image
Select the cloned brush, and turn it into a wedge. To do so, we are gonna use the Cordon Tool
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You can see that i selected the top left corner and draged it to the X marking the center of the brush.
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(If you did this right, you should not get any compile errors.)
Good, now select those 2 brushes and duplicate them:
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Move them to the top of the wall and flip them.
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Now you got a good looking wall, but we are not over. Select the texture GENERIC012 and duplicate the same brush that you used to make the wedge, and texturize it
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Move it to the floor, next to the grate and carve it if there is any floor in there. No, this will not give you any compile errors. But still, you gotta be careful and make sure there is not any brush in your way that can compromise you map when carving.
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Looks really good, doesnt it? We are gonna do the lights, the final step. Select the texture 0+~TELE_LIGHT and make a block shaped brush that fits it.
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Now, move it to the brush in the floor, and carve it (Again, be careful when carving). Clone it and carve it into different parts of the brush. This will be our lights
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Great, now, create light_spot entities on top of those brushes. You can add env_glow entities if you want to.
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Great job!. Now, its time to compile and test your map. Make sure LIGHT is on Extra, so the light_spot entities look better.
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This is how it looks like

Some usefull advices:

This was the first part of the tutorial. Hopefully i will get more time to explain more stuff. Bye!


Commented 2 years ago2022-07-06 01:51:50 UTC Comment #104609
The images are not loading, Jamie. You can upload them to TWHL here
Commented 2 years ago2022-07-06 14:58:51 UTC Comment #104610
Btw the images are loading
User posted image
Commented 2 years ago2022-07-06 17:16:33 UTC Comment #104611
Oh, yeah. I dont know whats happening but the images are disappearing!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-13 22:39:34 UTC Comment #105201
Could you upload them to TWHL instead? You can use the link above
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-06 09:11:17 UTC Comment #106281
for the love of god, jamie, please upload images to twhl directly. otherwise your contribs are useless, a waste of your own time.

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