
38_9815 years ago2008-12-21 01:24:44 UTC 6 comments
Today I watched The Mist. It wasn't too bad, although the ending was pretty good. Poor guy.
Captain Terror15 years ago2008-12-20 19:09:59 UTC 1 comment
I'm collecting unemployment over the holidays and there is plenty of vodka and Redbull waiting for me in the fridge, and all i can think to say is:
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srry15 years ago2008-12-20 16:58:24 UTC 9 comments
I have my typical Christmas Cold right now. It comes around for me the exact same time every year.
Strider15 years ago2008-12-19 01:22:44 UTC 18 comments
Last day of work for the year! Holidays coming up, all the huge pain-in-the-ass orders are out of the way, plenty of Beam waiting for me in the fridge, and all I can think to say is:
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38_9815 years ago2008-12-17 20:45:22 UTC 22 comments
Yay! It's snowing! I've never had a proper white christmas before, never any snow, so this is a real treat for me.

I suppose in a few years time I'll be bitter when it comes, but till then!
Striker15 years ago2008-12-17 17:23:44 UTC 21 comments
Hey , I just arrived from my grandmother. I did some traditional food.

Here's some pictures from the making of the sausage :
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Here are the pig's intestines we used :
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saw183315 years ago2008-12-16 19:03:06 UTC 10 comments
Ahh yes, raging snowstorm. Everyone is out blowing their driveways BUT ITS STILL SNOWING.
I personally don't plan on school tomorrow. It just looks too damn bad out. But I hear the new district superintendent is from Florida and doesn't believe in snow days. This is just another thing to add to our list of shitty Iowa weather this year. What a bad year...
Luke15 years ago2008-12-16 17:08:16 UTC 8 comments
I think I might start mapping again.

I'm finally taking the plunge and I'm going to work on this TF2 map I've been dreaming about forever now.

I'm pretty motivated right about now, especially after the maps I've been laying out.

Hopefully it gets done.
Rimrook15 years ago2008-12-15 12:25:05 UTC 34 comments

Remember to F5.
srry15 years ago2008-12-14 07:32:17 UTC 29 comments
Mapping has destroyed my life. That's pushing it of course, but let me explain.

Knowing that I can feasibly create whatever I want in Hammer is more of a heartache than anything. Every couple months, I'll get that sudden urge to start some big new project. It's a nearly uncontrollable burst of inspiration. However, I know that no matter how many projects I start, I will always end up tiring of them before their time has come. My "Mapping Projects" folder is evidence of this.

The result is, I am left with this vast desire for creative fulfillment, as though there is some large task always lingering over me that I have yet to accomplish. I yearn to create something that I know without a doubt will never reach fruition. It's practically an addiction.

Shit sucks, yo.
Rimrook15 years ago2008-12-13 02:56:34 UTC 11 comments
I lost.

I entered my third tournament and lost on the first match for the third time. But not was all lost, I went to the Camotion film festival and ACTUALLY WON AN AWARD! I wasn't expecting SHIT!

I don't know which entries won, but these are the ones I entered.

Applied Science
The Navenger
Ring Teleporter

Also, I'm finishing up the Blitz Rifle. Might as well make it nice before I post anything.

EDIT: Here ya be.
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...still haven't painted the clip yet.
Andy15 years ago2008-12-12 22:29:56 UTC 28 comments
This site just continues to amaze me...
I wish everyone all the best for the festive season.

Captain Terror15 years ago2008-12-12 12:02:29 UTC 9 comments
[u]Category Review/Rant[/u]: The Day The Earth Stood Still(film, 2008)

Quite possibly worst movie I've seen all year, and that's saying a lot since this year has been a landmark of horrible movies.

I'm trying to think of a movie i enjoyed less than this one in the recent past, but nothing comes to mind. I texted through the whole thing because it was so stupid and boring, while also listening to people complain how stupid the movie was behind and to the left of me. (their banter was actually more interesting than the film)

Keanu Reeves performance is as you would expect, stupifyingly bad, just as in every single other movie he's graced (besides Constantine and The Matrix Trilogy). In his defense tho, the part they wrote for him was horridly inadequate, regardless of who played fucking Klaatu.

The cherry on top of this big piece of crap is Kathy Bates plays a major roll in the movie. Need i say more? Even though i don't i will: every time you think the movie might actually be going somewhere, you have to endure another scene with her trying really hard to play a strong world leader, and each time she finds new ways to fail, even harder than the last. I don't blame Kathy Bates, I blame the retarded moron who cast this women to play something other than a psychotic, evil bitch (Misery), which is the only thing she can do well.

I could go on the horrible liberties they took with the original story(1951), more poor casting choices, and other major letdowns like the only action scenes in the movie are shown in the trailer, but why? There is only one important thing you need to know about The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008):

Sajo15 years ago2008-12-12 09:03:41 UTC 3 comments
A nice AG community wanted me to make a map for them. So started making a AG-CTF map. They also mentioned that it should look like a Quake 3 arena map. Well I can't really use Half-Life textures for a Quake map, it will look unrealistic. So I took couple of textures from NS for the project. Take a look and tell me what you think. The 3rd screenshot is the last version, still not finished ofc. The map will consist of 3 floating bases in space. Red = hot, lava, fire etc
Blue = Freezing, ice, cold etc and the middle (battlefield) Orange = Electricity, energy.

Screenshot3-Final version (still WIP)
NineTnine15 years ago2008-12-12 05:02:12 UTC 3 comments
well well well... looks like my time at the hospital is over - wisdom teeth out. face is still numb and had blood all in my mouth... hm, could be worse i guess...