
Daubster16 years ago2008-08-24 02:04:23 UTC 1 comment
After a long, long, LONG period of promising (since before the OB was released?) - here it is.

Have fun. :>
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-08-23 08:51:59 UTC 0 comments
._. Nothing much to say... Except Frag Fence is somewhat being retarded. I haven't even moved it anywhere and it somehow 'jumped' to my other hard drive. o.o There seems to be no viruses or anything like that, but who knows...

PS: Frag Fence will be out soon! :o
UPDATE: Ok, the rmf of Frag Fence is gone... I have no idea to the whereabouts of it, so... it's either I start from scratch, keep searching or make something completely different. By the way, what's the bbcode to make lines run through paragraphs, eg: crossing out things.
Saribous16 years ago2008-08-22 06:40:19 UTC 9 comments
I've finally bought TF2! As soon as it's downloaded from Steam I won't be the only one in the galaxy who doesn't have the game. Hooray!
Alabastor_Twob16 years ago2008-08-21 21:37:37 UTC 2 comments
I just saw Hellboy 2, with about eight friends. It was better than I expected, but because I was the last to arrive, and there weren't enough seats in one row for all of us, I had to sit separate from them.
The only seat was in the front row (about a metre from the screen), so now I've got a sore neck from looking up for so long, and a headache from the angle that I had to watch it from.

Also, "This is your 500th login."
Deztus16 years ago2008-08-21 15:47:20 UTC 9 comments
When configuring Hammer, it seems best to not set the default SolidEntity class to: worldspawn. Reason being - when you go to create a brush entity, you cannot change the class(I do not believe one wants a 'worldspawn' everytime they attempt to create a brush entity). I don't, currently, know the technicalities that prevent this; but, it is very frustrating and could inhibit someone just starting to learn goldsource map-editing in Hammer(most importantly, working with brush entities).

There may be other entities classes that cause this, if set as default in the 'Game Configurations' tab under tools>options.

P.S. There isn't any other instance on the web, that I could find, mentioning this.
Strider16 years ago2008-08-21 05:25:31 UTC 8 comments
User posted image
EDIT: Image fixed

Uwe Boll you genius.
srry16 years ago2008-08-21 03:05:44 UTC 10 comments
Woo, it's my birfday. 16 today.

Yesterday I got my provisional driving permit. Yes, yet another asshole on the road. I'd taken the written test once before and FAILED. Check out the cold blooded killa on my photo ID:
User posted image
It's strange, because even when I don't smile for my ID's I typically don't look like a juvenile delinquent getting his mugshot taken.
Luke16 years ago2008-08-20 19:30:03 UTC 11 comments
Okay, funny story for you guys.

Me and my couple of friends, both are girls, like to hang out every now and then. It usually ends up with us sitting in the house / car being boring, but this time was different.

We decided to go down to Detroit's river front area.

Going down Jefferson Avenue we took a wrong turn (by the way I'm not driving), but it wasn't just any wrong turn, you see.

This turn happened to be where the tunnel to Canada is.

So we pull off to the side of the road in a "Authorized Only Parking Space". My friend driving gets out of the car and waves to a border officer as to what to do because we wanted to turn around. He tells us to back out and pull through, or so we thought, the search area for people coming into the United States. So he stops traffic for us and lets us go through to the search area.

Little did we know, we were about to be searched. An officer takes the car keys from my friend who's driving, and he asks for all of our (3 of us) identifications and we have to step out of the vehicle.

When I went to reach for my back pocket to get my license, the officer seems to freak out and tells me to "calm it down" or something like that, but I get my wallet anyhow.

So we're now standing outside of the car in the search area of the border passing to Canada. They start asking us questions, like what we were doing in Detroit and where we were going. So we explain.

Everything seems fine so far. However, when it comes to the driver, it turns out she forgot her license and any other form of identification. They inform us that it's illegal to drive without a license, like we didn't know that.

They make us go sit inside the detainee area where they keep you as they search your car.

At this point, 2 or 3 officer are going through the car, top to bottom. I'm watching them out the window as they pop the trunk and hood of her silver Mustang. They took covers off the engine and took out every little thing inside the car and put it on the roof.

Standard procedure so far, I was expecting all of this as soon as I knew the driver forgot her license.

So we're sitting in the detainee area for about an hour and a half total. During this time, a half-dozen Iranians came through on passport / ID troubles. Kinda funny.

Anyways, they also contacted the driver's Mom, who had to come there, with her license, and take us home.

Luckily they let my friend drive home. Otherwise it would cost $8,000 to get the car out of the impound.

Her mom drops us off and you can tell she is highly pissed still.


I was detained by Customs and Border Protection, had my ID taken, and sat next to a half-dozen Iranians for an hour and a half.

Thanks for reading.
Deztus16 years ago2008-08-20 16:35:21 UTC 4 comments
Embarked on the journey of Hammer, yesterday; I hope to be a good mapper, someday.
Livewire16 years ago2008-08-20 12:10:36 UTC 4 comments
It turns out that Slipknot have pulled out of the Leeds Festival tommorrow due to Joey Jordison breaking his ankle.


brb hanging myself.
GameMasterPau1016 years ago2008-08-20 01:30:41 UTC 6 comments
You got to see this

It's funny if you like torturing scientist.
Striker16 years ago2008-08-19 14:18:36 UTC 4 comments
As with the new ISP and 6 mb/s I can afford to make a server.
My IP is Dynamic , so I made a DNS subdomain and downloaded a small program to update my IP change .

Here's the DNS adress :

So , to connect to my server , you would open the console and type connect

P.S. I made it a CS Map test server because the majority are making cs 1.6 maps ( trust me).

I will also need an experienced member's help . My skype ID is marcel_iubarel08 .(to see if the server is actually working , making him admin , plugins etc etc ....)

The server is running AmxModx , Respawn ( testing maps , duh ....) , SentryMod and a bunch of plugins .

[EDIT] Keep in mind , my time zone is GMT +2 . ( so if in UK is 19:00 pm , in my country it's 21:00 )
Habboi16 years ago2008-08-19 13:59:25 UTC 5 comments
It just occurred to me that I haven't checked the 'They Hunger: Lost Souls' mod in a while and it seems they aren't dead...

Check it:

Looking sharp.
SpaG16 years ago2008-08-19 06:09:04 UTC 11 comments
Happy birthday to me!
I'm 20 now.
Striker16 years ago2008-08-18 17:50:10 UTC 12 comments
I just descovered a new awesome formation .
It's called "Alizee" . Beautiful songs , really !
Here's one of them :

Jen ai marre

I now feel very sorry for my basic french . The melody is beautiful . I'll learn more french ( erm , 1 month and school begins :)) )