
zeeba-G18 years ago2006-05-30 11:27:25 UTC 0 comments
well i read through my old journals and man was i dumb... well ive always been into mapping and I have got to start compiling my maps, ive been saying I would for like two years lol.
gordonfreeman18 years ago2006-05-30 09:24:37 UTC 0 comments
finished "Xen Aquapark 2" pls check it out in the map vault thx.
Rimrook18 years ago2006-05-30 06:11:53 UTC 0 comments
Haven't wrote anything good to read for a while...

I was thinking of painting a close up of Lord Rimrook's eye, since its entirely black and you can't really see it anyway. Reason why it's black is because it absorbs all light and he can see much better.

I noticed that i use the short name for him way too much.
Full name is Rimmon Elrook. Shortened for some odd reason i don't know.

His specie was made by a superior race to eliminate a common enemy, but after they're purpose was complete, they became self aware. His father was flawed and had functioning reproductive organs, unlike the others. Their masters overlooked this as a non-threat and let it slide. When self awareness sunk in, he felt strong feelings of love like so few of the others did, while more felt angst, despair, anxiety, frustration, and random emotions. In a fit of love, he pregnated a female sentient white wolf. In which thats where rim gets his silvery white coat from, otherwise he would be red haired like his father before he died shortly after coupling with his mother. Rimrook is much older than he appears, being that of nearly 400 years by now. He might live forever, since the death trigger within him was bred out, but he doesn't age like his ancestors do. Even though he can control much of the known elements for creation, he has only 5% of his race's true power, and knows only a fraction of what he is capable.

I'd post a little story involving him that would be a great read, the problem is that it includes adult rated material that's poorly writtne and such. I can better now, but i don't want to revise the story. I would rather write a new one, but time has been sapped from me.

/pointless crapness.

:glad: :heart:
IMUS18 years ago2006-05-29 22:52:36 UTC 0 comments
Check out some new screenshots:

User posted image

User posted image

User posted image

Near Graves:
User posted image

Side Yard:
User posted image
AJ18 years ago2006-05-29 18:25:28 UTC 0 comments
MacBook Pro officially ordered! Should be here by next Friday (9th June).

Here are ye olde specs:

2.16GHz Intel Core Duo
1GB 667 DDR2- 2x512 SO-DIMMs
100GB Serial ATA drive@7200rpm
SuperDrive (DVD?RW/CD-RW)
Widescreen Display
No optional SW
BkLit Keyboard/Mac OS-X
Airport Extreme Card&BT-X

Apparently you can freely upgrade the RAM and the HDD later on, so booyah!
rowleybob18 years ago2006-05-29 15:07:13 UTC 0 comments
What a glorious day today indeed...


Say 'Hi' to Sienna Rowley ^_^!

User posted image

Yay ^_^!

Congrats to SlayerA, ZombieLoffe,
and all who participated to make this a popular

Special thanks to Kasperg for a fun map to
participate in, and Judges for contributing
their time/effort.

I Hope more entrants will add their entries to
the MV, now that it's over.
Orpheus18 years ago2006-05-29 12:59:58 UTC 0 comments
Day 27.
Found out today that its been confirmed. I am going to Hell. Its a bit disturbing when you think about it. I am one of the last people in the world that I imagine worthy of a Hellish destination. Seems a bit bleak for those who are even worse than myself since they are obviously going to Hell too. Whats truly weird is the people deciding my fate, have absolutely no experience to make such a decision with. Talk about egotistical. Its no fucking wonder most churches have double doors. They need the clearance for their fat heads to squeeze through.

I am going to Hell because some asshole says so. That sucks.
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2006-05-29 07:35:30 UTC 0 comments
\BLACK-PIG has been up for: 15 day(s), 20 hour(s), 13 minute(s), 46 second(s)
Daubster18 years ago2006-05-29 06:12:06 UTC 0 comments
New map posted!
Finally finished something after a longer while. :)
Tis my 4th CS map, I wanted to try something new, so I made an awp map. Hope ya like it.
38_9818 years ago2006-05-28 08:55:12 UTC 0 comments
Times are getting on very quickly.

Where, heres a quick fill in on whats going on, which isnt much.

Moving house, which never seems to end.
Gaining Duel-nationality
Birthday, boring as usual.

I think thats it.
razorkiller200418 years ago2006-05-27 19:57:53 UTC 0 comments
Hello razorkiller2004! This is your 200th login. Whoa!
Mr. Whippy18 years ago2006-05-27 00:29:56 UTC 0 comments
Well, I haven't been on for a while. I just decided to check back in and see what's going on. I might add another map in the vault soon.
Xyos21218 years ago2006-05-26 17:39:30 UTC 0 comments
Just registered for my fall classes. Softmore college year starts in september! I managed to slam 5 classes into 2 days. 10 in the morning to 9 at night!!! ZOMG!11 Not so bad, its only 2 days. I will have more hours for classroom labs on other days, but thats ok. I start my Open GL programming class next semester too. I look foward to it very much!
Orpheus18 years ago2006-05-26 17:11:54 UTC 0 comments
Day 25
[EDITED out rant] The journal isn't the place for battles. My apologies

Anyway, "Rice Warfare"

About the turn of the century, the 5th century that is, conventional wisdom was to shoot a piece of wood from a bow into your enemy. The problem was, the enemy had their own pieces of wood and hurled them into your body as well. In some cases with much more accuracy.

A solution had to be found. Thus the birth of using rice to kill ones enemies. It was common knowledge that rice was fattening as hell. The propaganda departments of the era decided to use their powers of persuasion to convince the enemy that rice was the next "IN" thing. Everyone who was anyone would, or should eat it by the handful.

The plot worked to well, both sides ate the stuff until neither side was fit to wage battle any longer.

By the middle of the second year after the 5th century, the idea of using food as a weapon was abandoned.

/ history lesson
fate18 years ago2006-05-26 14:53:10 UTC 0 comments
Well this week kinda sucked, I managed to dislocate my jaw :cry: so i went to the chiropractor (is that how you spell it?) and he poped it back in place, and now i hurts evan worse because i also dameged the socket.

So uh yah...thats it.