
Dizzy Devil18 years ago2005-11-07 17:02:49 UTC 0 comments
Well it has been awhile...

Got a map coming up.

Be my first HLDM conversion from CS.

Hope it turns out OK.
BJ18 years ago2005-11-07 12:47:46 UTC 0 comments
"This is your 700th login."
Rimrook18 years ago2005-11-07 07:28:37 UTC 0 comments
ergh... it took me 3 days to get HL2 properly functioning with all of the utilities and junk.

But everything is soooooo worth it. :D
Tosse18 years ago2005-11-06 23:29:47 UTC 0 comments
Ok, lot?s of progress with the map, im soon done. So keep your eyes open i might soon tell ya that Banko_Arena is no longer a Beta version, but the real deal!
Ichthyosaur18 years ago2005-11-06 21:49:19 UTC 0 comments
Well I dont know what to say really?
Can people read them?
Work on the Stargate level goes slowly.
But for the first time in along time it goes!
Howdy18 years ago2005-11-06 15:00:49 UTC 0 comments
life sucks... period :|
Habboi18 years ago2005-11-06 09:34:54 UTC 0 comments
Well I wanted to post my first model thanks to the TWHL tutorial!
Ok so i forgot to place the vtf inside but I made a cube!

User posted image

Haha I feel all mighty now :)

Anyway i'm going to try to learn animating it, texturing still has me confused but i'll figure it out :)

Then i'm off to practice making real things like a table, chair etc...Onto guns :D
Dred_furst18 years ago2005-11-06 05:45:27 UTC 0 comments
A few updates, RS died, I'm now running XP, same PC as the last blog entry, and i'm mapping again =D Now for the dred_furst research facility :P
Kaido18 years ago2005-11-05 20:04:19 UTC 0 comments
So here I am, saturday night late, working on the redesigned site of my new independent development company.

I've had a long time to thing about all the good times post-grammer whore stages of my gaming lifestyle. Oh yes, i could imagine people who are regular members of ModDB may recognise me as one of the many semi-literate retards who thought "i know!, lets build a mod and be like the people who built counter-strike". That stage of my life has passed, I have grown from the anoying 11 year old that was an obsessive gamer. I am now attempting to do my part as an independent developer in the modern age of gaming.

Wow!, my entire life story in 1 cramped little paragraph. Perhaps I have grown up.....
Rimrook18 years ago2005-11-05 18:23:28 UTC 0 comments
Half-Life 2 is mine, i got all of the crap i need to make anything.

Tosse18 years ago2005-11-05 16:16:02 UTC 0 comments
I uploaded the beta version of Banko_arena!

It?s a HLDM map and i want comments, but keep in mind: It?s just a beta version :biggrin:
AJ18 years ago2005-11-05 14:55:20 UTC 0 comments
Well, here I am at my Dad's work looking at a tonne of emails and other crap. My graphics card overheated about a week and a bit ago so I haven't been able to tell anyone anything.

My exams finished on Thursday, so I'm a free man! No more school (except for Uni), so for the time being, its party time.

I'll be getting a new computer soon, a nice one that should last me for a while. AMD 64 4000+. 2 gigs of RAM, 300 gig HDD, the whole nine yards. Should be awesome.

I apologise for my absence from the forums and moderator duties. This couldn't be helped: I had exams, and I couldn't access another computer. Hopefully, in a week or so, I'll have a new PC and I'll be back properly.

Mephs18 years ago2005-11-05 05:17:27 UTC 0 comments
Penguins rave.

I got bored.
theonering18 years ago2005-11-05 02:31:59 UTC 0 comments
And now im back... :glad:
Andy18 years ago2005-11-04 19:28:19 UTC 0 comments
Having cleaned out my Journal I figured I should put something in it. :)

Recent discussions around the community involve "Mod teams going Pro".
Good or Bad?

Bad as far as I am concerned.

Ages ago someone said that with the source engine we would be able to produce brilliant maps without much skill.
That is almost right, sure the eye candy is there, but a map needs to be playable and fun to be considered successful.
So I have to ask myself where all these brilliant maps are? And where are all the brilliant mods?

When I first found TWHL, I mapped for fun... I made rooms that had a metal shelf so I could bang my crowbar on it.. That was the joy of mapping.
Somewhere along the line I got far too involved in design and forgot about fun, I chased the 'look' rather than the play.
I have critisied peoples maps, and now am embarrased by my judgement, after all.. Who am I to judge?
I have written tutorials and articles, not just here at TWHL but in the wider community and none of them mention the most important aspect of Design...
Regardless of what it looks like, if the person playing it is having fun then you have created a great map.

Time to tell the Purists to FarrrkOfff. That includes me :confused:

So what has that got to do with the percieved professionalism of Mod teams?
If you have to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement before they let you in, then they are obvioulsy missing the point.
ALL the Non Valve mod's that have been successful were started by a bunch of guy's having fun. They built levels and got them out there to test them with the people that really mattered.. the players.
Your peers may judge your design work and call it crap, but if the punters are playing it and having fun, who gives a toss?

After scrapping GTLS, I decided to map for fun. I created a small DoD War map and got it on a server. Two weeks later I released the second version...that ironed out the really bad bugs that the players pointed out.
That map remained on the No 1 rated server in Australia for two months, was a permanent fixture in the rotation and proved a clan war favorite.
Why didn't I post it here?
It was crap :D poorly designed and lackluster...

So next time someone tells you your textures are badly aligned... ignore them, and let the players not the mappers, judge your work.