
Daubster19 years ago2005-10-09 08:16:14 UTC 0 comments
Hello, Daubster! This is your 700th login. No message?? :
satchmo19 years ago2005-10-09 05:34:38 UTC 0 comments
I just got back from a whole day of paintball. We went to a small establishment near the foot of the Angeles Forest. My friends had invited over a hundred people, but only four of us made it there. We actually got there late, but nothing has started yet. I guess it's tough for young people to get up early on the weekend.

After donning up our face masks and tested our guns, we started the game. I was inexperienced enough to have a jammed gun right from the beginning. Fortunately, a teammate showed me how to unjam the gun barrel. It didn't help much though, because I got shot before I fired a single bullet.

The second round, I learned my lesson, so I fired pretty much constantly at my opponents who were well-protected behind some barricade. Before long, my ammo ran out, and I was forced to use my gun as a bluffing tool, firing just blanks. I didn't have any reserve ammo with me.

I became smarter and smarter throughout the day. We skipped lunch and played on. The adrenaline was just feeding us. More and more people arrived, and the battles became quite chaotic. During each round, bullets just flew in all directions. And some of the times, I got hit by a sniper that I didn't even see.

When it came down to the last game, I got pretty brave. It was all or nothing. So far, I only shot one guy out. I was going to be either the hero, or go out in a blaze of glory. I made gradual advances toward the other team's flag, and surprisingly, I wasn't hit. I was just crawling around in the sand by that time. My face gritty with sands, my knee skinned raw from skidding on rocks, my brow dripping with a mixture of sweat and paint, I was running on my last leg.

Then I got to just a few feet within the opponents' flag. Bullets were flying in all directions. I said my prayer (even though I am an atheist), and made a dash for their flag. Shockingly, I got there and captured their flag without being shot, unlike the guy before me who tried the same thing.

I thought the game was over. I raised my gun, and shouted "game over". My enemies must have been pretty stunned, because for about ten seconds, there were no shots fired anywhere. Then, one of my teammates ran to me and said "give me the flag". Someone suddenly clued me that the game wasn't over until I bring the flag back to our base. I started running back, but then half a dozen shots hit me on the back. I felt like a victim in a John Woo movie.

What a way to end a day of paintball. I learned the meaning of "capture the flag", and earned some red badge of courage in the process.
evilsod_2k19 years ago2005-10-09 05:04:20 UTC 0 comments
Hello evilsod_2k! This is your 250th login. My compo entry is coming along nicely, still haven't got to the actual test chamber yet, struggling to think of something original! :(
Instant Mix19 years ago2005-10-09 03:31:14 UTC 0 comments
93rd login , 7 to go till weak bronze stage. Still , Im .. Go on this link , the vidieos are funny [link][/link]
Ansith19 years ago2005-10-08 16:43:37 UTC 0 comments
:biggrin: hello ansith! this is your 200th login. whoa! :biggrin:
Kissker19 years ago2005-10-08 10:01:31 UTC 0 comments
Big Lots map scrapped, was hacked into... umm several other maps started and made, 99% complete at most.. but those were also taken and removed.. I have no backups... now.. I have 32 different forms of securtity and starting a new map.. dunno what Itll be.. makin some things like torches to start with.. dunno if they will be in the map or not. Auto Sniper map was completed (sorta) in 1 day.. its alright I gues... Ill upload it.
Elon Yariv19 years ago2005-10-08 06:48:14 UTC 0 comments
This is my 1250th login,5.7 logins a day! Awsome!! :nuke:
alexb91119 years ago2005-10-08 05:53:49 UTC 0 comments
my compos going well. had a bit of a scare this morning but trouble's over. im going for gold... well silver... maybe bronze... mmmm....
D_man19 years ago2005-10-08 05:53:01 UTC 0 comments
My maps never has bugs. It just develops random features.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code :P
killer110219 years ago2005-10-08 00:49:27 UTC 0 comments
i wish tosse would finish the story befor takeing his weekend off... :(
for now i`m going to make useful things for my maps.
tank (there are only textures for one)
a few player controled turrets (the rest of my ideas for turrets are complex and will need modling)


EDIT:Tanks are f***ing hard to make! :(
quiet_girl8619 years ago2005-10-07 16:16:41 UTC 0 comments
YAY! My ocarina is here! :heart:
rowleybob19 years ago2005-10-07 12:47:52 UTC 0 comments
Hello rowleybob! This is your 800th login. A true TWHLer!
pepper19 years ago2005-10-07 10:28:14 UTC 0 comments
Packed my bags today, its going to be a long ride to England tommorow, and i dont want to be faced by any surprises.
Daubster19 years ago2005-10-07 07:27:50 UTC 0 comments
Just finished my Half-Life Sentences Editor.
It helps ya edit the sentences.txt file and has features like:
Playing .wav files, built-in text editor and many more! :o
Dorian2719 years ago2005-10-07 03:57:57 UTC 0 comments
See, I can be cool and use sloganizer too :P
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