
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-01-10 09:36:21 UTC 0 comments
Map? Come on IRC? Rob old ladies? Disregard the last suggestion in a blindingly fast 44 milliseconds.
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-10 04:03:36 UTC 0 comments
i have no idea what the hell i'm supposed to do :(
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-01-09 23:37:27 UTC 0 comments
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 22:44:48 UTC 0 comments
today was ok. 9AM to 12AM i went to math class, did some math, came back, and now doing nothing. I should study Vocabulary now, since I take the SAT on 22th (not for college, im not that old..) but i just cant study, dont want to.
It's probably because the last month i've been studying like a maniac.
it's 3:35 PM now, and I plan on reading 'Dracula' for the rest of the day, after im done with doing nothing. I should study a little vocab too. And! I shold also try out the mnemonic (did i spell right? : ) thinking that was said in the UP Ur Score.. i'll try the one where i listen to the definitions i say.
Because i'm pretty bored now, even though not too much.
Oh and before all that i should get some sleep, i only slept like 6 hours yesterday, which is actually too little for me, whatever you may think.

I've been playing around with my map. I realized brightness of '1' in light_environment would actually give you fair light, which looks like just before the evening. that means i can't create nights using light_environment. btw, the map cs_training (currently my only posted map) has light_environment of '1', and it still gives fair light.

Speaking of mapping, I really wish i'd become a better mapper. Of all the maps i've made, all except one is crap maps for testing out entities , and one is a semi-serious map, cs_training.

I can't seem to think of adequate things to map of, in addition to being new at mapping.
But that's because i'm new at mapping, and it'll all be better soon.
  • Jan 10th, 2004, 3:45 PM :badass:
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 22:33:24 UTC 1 comment
ok i decided to really post journals now... in retrospect everything looks stupid SO...
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:32:59 UTC 0 comments
do you play Starcraft? if u do, check out Pr0] clan in West (op pr0])
say you know me (Pr0]Okgo) they might still know me
it's a damn cho-gosu clan, but they let Americans join without a test (they 'gosu' community is mostly korean)
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:29:28 UTC 0 comments
have u guys been to it's a good site too; and also 69th vlatitude.
TWHL,, and 69th
are the best combos

use them all!
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:28:23 UTC 0 comments
what i really like is Linkin Park, but i've been listening to them for years now, and it sucks now.
but i admit their songs on Hybrid Theory is the best. Meteora and Reanimation sucks though.
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:27:26 UTC 0 comments
Avril lavigne sucks too . she shouldn't sing.
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:25:49 UTC 0 comments
Green Day sucks. they were good for the first week i was listening to them, but it wears out too fast.

Eminem's ENCORE sucks like fuck. i';d give negative 5 stars for all songs except Rain Man, i'd give about 1 or 2. don't buy that, its a waste of money, but if you're really curious what they are, just download them and listen. (your ears will decay)

oh have anybody tried out playing with the command [hud_draw 0] on? that's the most fun, cuz you don't see the green semi-cross (you know what i mean.?) in the middle. so you have harder time, but it's more realistic, and more fun. try it out! btw snipers don't work with hud_draw 0.
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:20:17 UTC 0 comments
yea some guys are just about crazy, they study all day from winter break to the test day, and they get average score of 95+ (crazy people)
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:17:21 UTC 0 comments
I take SAT on January 22th, for CTY, if any of you know what it is...i went to a Math-related course last year, but i want to try out an English course now. Besides, my parents wont let me go unless i take an English course. (Math is just too ez) But it's gonna be hard, cuz i can only get around 500 (if im good) on the verbal, but to go to the English-related courses i need to get above 560.

And after i take the SAT, i need to take the TOEFL, which isn't so hard in general, but easy to make lots of mistakes.

I'm reading 'Dracula', a book, and it's really great. It's better than Harry Potter, and all other books for all i know.

Anyway also i wish to get better at mapping, but i just dont have time... my Grade was 86.5, which isn't all too bad, but the guys
okgo19 years ago2005-01-09 21:09:18 UTC 0 comments
so this is like a public journal? well ok..
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-09 15:08:35 UTC 0 comments
My plan exactly. The sex was goooooooood....!!!!!!!11
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-09 15:03:25 UTC 0 comments
Ok, WTF is going on?

Now she misses me?
Screwing with me again?

It never ends..