
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2004-06-08 10:36:53 UTC 0 comments
I just had 2 sets of exams today about 6 hrs in toatal :
Can't wait till Saturday...then its all over :)

Kissed some girl I didn't like as well recently so she wouldn't feel bad :zonked: lol

WoooooHoooooo Journrnall!!!!!! :nuts:
Howdy20 years ago2004-06-08 05:45:46 UTC 0 comments
woho! ive finished whit my maps,
yay :P
Howdy20 years ago2004-06-07 10:50:27 UTC 1 comment
After a long and exousting LAN I?ve managed to make a GREAT counter-strike map (At least my friends think so...). I?m sadly not quite finished whit it yet, but I will soon be. I was also considering sending it in (Submitting it) but don?t know where to. I will defiantly submit it here, but it would be great to submit it to somewhere that people actually come to download maps...
any way, ill keep up the work and try to come up whit more fun maps. (cause my motto is: if the game aint fun, what?s the point whit it!)

:) :) :)
AJ20 years ago2004-06-06 23:16:28 UTC 0 comments
OMG You're even spamming the journal monkeychow...
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-06 09:15:26 UTC 0 comments
im just getting sick of some peoples attitudes around here, everyone are just fucking bigots, its not right just saying everyone is wierd just becouse they are differant its just fucking small mindedness. and im basicly getting sick of it and am starting to wonder why i even bother.
azhra20 years ago2004-06-04 23:35:59 UTC 0 comments
Joined TWHL... w00t! :badass:
LaZermaniac20 years ago2004-06-04 10:18:48 UTC 0 comments
I got into the college!!! I'm uber-happy! Also, I tried to post a map her but my computer has some weird problem with uploading stuff. Itried to re-upload it, but to no use. :x
John_Crichton20 years ago2004-06-04 05:53:55 UTC 0 comments
Christ it's been a while - but I'm baaaaak (lol). Some great things are happening at the moment. Almost through my GCSE exams (got the bulk of them over the next 2 weeks - can't wait til they're done).

On the good side my solo game project, made in 3d Game Studio, is about to take form. I will be working on it for the next few months -and can't wait til it's finished (The plan is complete - now for the actual creation!).

Also, Seventh and I are about to expand the field of 3d game creation, with a series of video tutorials - both for Hammer (by the infamous seventh monkey) and for 3d Game Studio (by yours truley!). They will be free to download -or can be purchased on Special Edition CDs.
As soon as the site is up I will inform you guys as I am sure will seventh. As for that, the rest is hush hush - but keep your eyes peeled the next few months are going to be productive!
cyber-drugs20 years ago2004-06-04 04:41:34 UTC 0 comments
Managed to finish my map for my university project, just need to get to grips with the whole taking 200 screenshots :-/

When I finish all my uni work and graduate next month I'll take this map, a load to it, and add it to "My Maps". Maybe the next thing I'll do is design my fiance's neighborhood :P

Let's see how it goes :)

Cyber-Drugs :cool:
FAT3220 years ago2004-06-03 11:47:38 UTC 0 comments
Alright, I've just discovered this site, and wow, its hosted in SA, which means I get fast download times cause I live here! Great job to those that are involved in building it, and I'll be sure to submit some of my maps soon.
On another note, my mod, Operation Firesweep has stopped dead because of internet problems. I wish this bloody site would host mods aswell! (hint*cough*hint) :P
davideo5920 years ago2004-06-02 13:24:29 UTC 0 comments
Just started making what is now called "fy_city" (I am going to change that soon enefough). I took the textures from blackhawk down and am making a map like it. Its the first map where I am going to spare no trouble to make details. I have about 1/4 of the base map done and now I am going to "polish" it off by de-bugging and adding / ect.
leong220 years ago2004-06-01 02:33:04 UTC 0 comments
Finished 3rd map... about frickin' time! :P
=[Symmetry]=20 years ago2004-05-30 10:45:52 UTC 0 comments
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-30 05:59:03 UTC 1 comment
YEY!. my new web site is up, i've added a new news announcment style homepage a shoutbox on the homepage and some other things like a useful links box and quick links. strangley enough it makes the site feel like theres more content than there actally is... anyway drop by and leave me a shout!.

Bye For Now. Matt x
Gorified20 years ago2004-05-30 02:31:03 UTC 0 comments
I think I finally have the final version of my map Dark Skies. Check it out! :cool: