
esmajor20 years ago2004-03-28 12:10:16 UTC 0 comments
grabs what's left of hair and yanks


Yeah, it's like that! My computer went PPFFSSTT!

So I put WinXP on, and now I'm wondering what i have to do to hammer and such.

Seeyas! :P
Agent820 years ago2004-03-28 01:51:20 UTC 0 comments
Me think you should put in a compo. :cool:
craash42020 years ago2004-03-27 19:54:12 UTC 0 comments
Hello craash420! This is your 420th login.
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-03-27 13:13:03 UTC 0 comments
Started my map for The Project. 2580 logins.
Issues Team20 years ago2004-03-27 00:41:45 UTC 0 comments
The Issues Team :

ArbronI - Webmaster, Arcticlab, Arcticending
CampaignJunkie - Legacy (coauthor)
Firebinder - Team Leader, Hub1, LostTime
Hugh - Hug, Casa
Indigo - Base
Kol - Subzone
Manoid - Splash Art, Xenpit
Mr.Ben - Website Design, Legacy (coauthor)
Scourge - Badass
SEThorian - Faith

Beta Testers :

Lord Booga
your evil twin

Special Thanks :

Valve - Creators of Half-Life
Laurie Cheers - Developer of Spirit of Half-Life
Therbco - PQL/PQL2 was his idea
Unquenque - Sage Advice

Additional Thanks :

Firewire280 - Models in LostTime
TheDoenerKing - Car Models in Legacy

Squirll20 years ago2004-03-24 06:38:44 UTC 0 comments
Iv gained more allies. the attack will comence soon. After we breach the gate we will be invinceble! we...oh fck wrong journal. ummm

I did stuff on hl tooday. nothing else.
AJ20 years ago2004-03-24 01:01:20 UTC 0 comments
That's it! Next oppurtunity that comes, I'm gonna open Hammer, amp and see what comes out! I wanna see if im getting better (look at my first map in the vault...LOL :P ). Maybe its not good practice to do so, but I wont release unless its of some quality!
MattyB20 years ago2004-03-23 04:01:12 UTC 0 comments
Just spent the last 2 hours playing CS|Condition Zero in the single player (which has some cool features including friendly and enemy bots) and local server with bots mode.... Beautiful.... the bots are soooo good.. realistic even....
amacachi20 years ago2004-03-22 16:07:35 UTC 1 comment
did anyone see the sceenies from kol's "coil" map? : god, why doesnt he just go make an empty room, it would be beter. :
Saribous20 years ago2004-03-22 15:21:04 UTC 0 comments
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey!
Squirll20 years ago2004-03-22 06:03:51 UTC 0 comments
Ive reached an all time high, or low.
For 3 days now evry time i left a cs game i was in first.
There wer 8 games in total, ive mostly benn playing my new copy of Final Fantasy 11 online.
craash42020 years ago2004-03-21 22:03:05 UTC 0 comments
walking the fine line between "online buddy" and "restraining order"... not sure if DragonLady appreciates my attentions.
User posted image
WaterMelon3420 years ago2004-03-21 18:31:18 UTC 0 comments
Today the admin tried to kill me but I saw him and shot him in the head, the cops are looking for me. I drove out of Canada to the U.S. of A. and am now hiding in San Francisco. They won't find out I left for a while, that'll give me time to think up a new plan... I hope my family is safe... especially my daughter Sarah. She's only 9 and I can't believe she had to find out something about her father like THIS... I will go back to her when the ordeal is over... But, for now I can only wait...
pepper20 years ago2004-03-20 14:49:21 UTC 0 comments
pepper20 years ago2004-03-20 01:27:39 UTC 0 comments