Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2003-06-15 13:27:05 UTC
in clan Post #689
how do i join a clan
Posted 20 years ago2003-06-15 13:26:17 UTC
in tutorials Post #691
are the hail-life tutorials the same as the cs tutorials
Posted 20 years ago2003-06-15 07:15:40 UTC
Posted 20 years ago2003-06-15 06:05:45 UTC
Best thing I have seen for modeling is MilkShape3D. But I haven't actually used it.
There are a lot of Prefab sites out there, but I haven't come across one that is current. By that I mean that the prefabs are old (pre 2000) and sometimes do not work well with Hammer and HL.
If you find a site that has NEW prefabs, or just really good old ones, please let us know.
Posted 20 years ago2003-06-15 05:36:35 UTC
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-14 12:56:20 UTC
in MapVault Post #1283
Good ideas. Yeah, definately worth implementing. Totals and little NEW icons...
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-14 04:05:16 UTC
in A small question Post #699
Good Question.
If you download the r_speeds tutorial and have a look at the .rmf file in Hammer you will see a trigger_teleport brush and a info_teleport_destination entity. The combination of these two create that effect. The portal is just a sprite added to liven things up. That is one way to get the effect, the other way is to use the trigger_camera entity to make it look like you have been somewhere.
I think SlayerA is writing a tutorial on Teleporters, I might do one on simple day.

As for the custom game short cut, depends what you are trying to acheive, but if you are trying to create your own custom game you might want to have a look at 69thVlatitude:
because they have a few really good tutorials on Custom Game stuff. The other place to look for step by step instructions is FireBinders site... Lot's of really good stuff there:

PS: I did answer your question about Half-Life being the best... it's in the !Stuff forum
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-13 21:04:54 UTC
Yes, I agree JALF-AIFE.
HL has had me enthralled since I got my first copy back in '98. I was an avid Doom and Duke fan. But WorldCraft changed all that. I think the sucees is due to the mapping community. I also think that HL lives on because of it's duality, being Multiplayer and single. I was stuck in a country that didn't have an internet connection until 2000. So I stayed alive, building and releasing maps to my friends not knowing if what I was doing was right, or for that matter knowing if there was a better way of doing it.
There are millions of mappers out there that do not have a link to the massive rescources available. Let them know we are here....
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-13 20:56:49 UTC
in MapVault Post #1282
Great minds think alike Skeeve.....
By having a new comments section, the actual views recorded would indicate the true views, and not me just looking at my entry every 5 seconds to see if someone had made comment :-) Actually I was waiting for a flaming, because, as with all concept maps, the idea is there, but the architecture sucks !!
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-13 19:44:28 UTC
in MapVault Post #1281
Or new comments. So the easiest way would be to place a marker on areas that have changed since last viewing.
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-13 19:14:42 UTC
in MapVault Post #1280
Perhaps a total count of maps in each category on the category page? Or some other way we could tell at a glance if new maps had been added since the last time we looked.
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-13 16:19:31 UTC
in MapVault Post #1279
Okay, so the Map Vault is up and running, but does anyone have any suggestions about anything that should be changed / added?

There's a short todo list at the bottom of the info page (, but if anyone has any ideas to add to it, please post to this thread!

Posted 21 years ago2003-06-11 08:28:02 UTC
in Hammer trouble Post #706
I have never experiensed this problem in hammer. If you have a fast modum or cable you could try downloading it from a diffrent site (i got mine from game spy).
If it still dose not work download worldcraft3. It is almost the same and i cant tell the diffrence between the two.

PS:remember to yoze zoners tools
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-11 08:11:59 UTC
in A small question Post #698
How do you put a portel some where and then go inside and apper in another place for a second or two then dissapear and go to another place.
ya know in the game, at the start when you apper in the alien planet for a few seconds.

also how do you put one of those mod short cuts on the half life game (custom game wich displays, counterstrike,blue sift,oposing forse,seven coop, DOD,poke646,they hunger, and so on.

Thanks (Half-Life is the best)
PS:you diddn't answer my question about if you agree if half-life is the best game.
(just to let you know half-life is the best)
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-10 11:12:40 UTC
in Hammer trouble Post #705
Hi there

I downloaded the Hammer 3.4 file from the offical website, it installed fine and I went tho the configs and all looked great but when I try and open up a new map the program always crashes. I have a p2 233 computer, 128ram, win98 se. Please help, as I am still stuck using Worldcraft 2.0!

Posted 21 years ago2003-06-10 01:50:41 UTC
in how? Post #710
This really is a touchy subject... When WinBsp first came out there was an outcry in the gaming community. The reason being that by decompiling Valves maps, you are infact breaching the copyright. It seems that has died down since.
My suggestion is not to modify a map or level, but decompile it to find out just how they managed to get something to work.... problem is that WinBsp has a tendancy to leave out a lot of entities after decompiling, and sometimes you can't tell why something works. But from a brush building view, it is a great tool. Alternatly you can download maps made by a pro and see how they did it, just visit Dave Johnston's old site ( He distributes some of the classic CS maps for free, and in RMF format.
Normally, because HL is 7 years old, anything that might add to enhanced a map has been tried. But if you are just modifying things to help you become a better mapper, I can't see anything wrong with that .... Well, apart from it being Morally and ethically wrong :-)
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-09 21:15:07 UTC
in how? Post #709
I would bet the question is the drive location of the game maps. I have no clue, so cannot help.
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-09 18:08:45 UTC
in how? Post #708
Yeah, and it's not perfect, but it does come in handy...
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-09 02:58:15 UTC
in how? Post #707
how do you edit the actual half life levels?
i already know how to edit the multiplayer but where abouts are the single player missions.
(im just going to edit them for fun nothing ilegel)
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-09 02:41:04 UTC
Do you agree with me that HALF-LIFE is the best game (including all the great mods that you have made).
Even though it is a old game i still recon it is the BEST!

If you dissagree with me, tell me what game you like best.
If it is some quake crap or some lozer stragety game it means that you got problems.

(sorry that this has nothing to do with editing but i wanted to send in a post but i diddnt have anything th right about.)

[Sorry JALF-AIFE, but this should have gone in forum !Stuff. I will move it in a few days.]
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-09 00:26:54 UTC
in Putting Monsters in Cstrike maps Post #713
ok, thanks for that, im gona keep looking. Hopefully ill find something.
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-08 10:55:49 UTC
in Putting Monsters in Cstrike maps Post #712
This question get's asked a lot on other forums and to date I have never seen an answer, there are Mods using CS out there that incorporate monsters and model placement, and there might be a way to add them with coding, but I have not seen anything that didn't involve lot's of work. Good luck looking, let us know what you find.
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-08 08:49:47 UTC
in Putting Monsters in Cstrike maps Post #711
Ive heard that you can put NPC's into a cstrike map, like the little crabs, anyone seen any tutorial around? im still looking but have'nt had any luck yet.
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-07 11:18:43 UTC
in Map Problems Post #714
Please have a look at my map in the 'Problem Maps' section of The Vault.

Any help very much appreciated.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-06 21:06:32 UTC
in Competitions suggestions Post #1193
This reply's a bit late, but anyway.

Good idea there, but if you check out the newly-launched Map Vault, you'll see it pretty much fills the gap... I'm still working on integrating the Vault with the Competitions section, but when that's done, it should be pretty much what you're suggesting.

Thanks for the input!
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-06 20:01:12 UTC
in Tutorial about sound? Post #1184
Sounds and Custom sounds are not all that difficult, I will have a look at getting a tutorial done, but while you are waiting, check out Handy Vandals almanac for sounds, and also FireBinders Site, also the entity guide here for Ambient_generic. Or check out:
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-06 19:55:39 UTC
in <<<< Scripting Info >> Post #715
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-06 14:58:31 UTC
in Tutorial about sound? Post #1183
Could you make tutorial or tell me something about sounds? i don't understand how they work... And why there are only few sounds? how can i make moving sound like the place where you are is moving?
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-06 10:22:42 UTC
in Item_Suit question Post #716
It can be done! somehow delete that annoying sound!
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-31 05:15:01 UTC
in Jage.... Prefabs Post #1291
I was thinking that there was a site that I had seen some good prefabs at and it took me a while to track it down:
Have a look there, you never know, something might take your fancy.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-27 08:27:36 UTC
in Favorite Servers Post #1293
I don't have a favorite. I just find one and join and proceed to get my butt kicked. I only play HL and only use the crowbar, so I'm not good at all. But I like it for some reason. Sometimes I even make a kill! Mostly though, I'm just raw meat running around getting cooked. :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-27 02:30:10 UTC
in Favorite Servers Post #1292
Is there a favorite server everyone likes to play on? (HL, CS, or Sven) May be fun to get shot by one or two of you ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-26 19:06:15 UTC
in Submitting Tutorials Post #1189
Great, we always like new input.
You can submit the tutorial directly to me, my e-mail address is in the members section.
What I prefer to work with is a .txt file from NotePad or similar, But if you can't do that, a Word document is fine. Get the text down and indicate where you would like any screen shots by just putting a line in the text [Image door.jpg here] or something. As for the images, I am not on broardband or cable :-( so I would appreciate them in JPG or GIF format and about 600x480 but if you can't crop them or resize them, then just send them full size and zipped with the text.

What will happen next?
I will format your words, insert the pictures and upload it all to a test page. Once our massive staff of highly trained editors (Atom, SlayerA and I ) go over your work with a fine tooth comb, checking validity at each step, and approving content, then I will send you a copy of what it will look like before it goes live, and give you the oppurtunity to make last minute changes. After that it will be posted and you will be famous in the mapping community.....
Well maybe not, but what a rush....Your Tutorial.
It really is that simple.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-26 03:11:15 UTC
in Submitting Tutorials Post #1188
If I want to submit a tutorial for TWHL how do I send it and what are the requirements,etc.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-25 14:58:49 UTC
in Competitions suggestions Post #1192
This suggestion could take a bit of coding, but would be worth the time.

I would guess that the greatest amount of time spent in managing the competition area is deciding on the winners. Create a script allowing members to vote for the competition entries.

In order to keep thing fair, the script should check to insure the user has not voting for the current competition.

Give each user three votes:
first place:  5 points
second place: 3 points
third place:  1 point
The main purpose of the point system is to minimize the chances of a tie. A tie breaker could be sent through the voting function again (limiting the voting choices)

A time stamp could be used to make the voting fully automatic.

Well work just calledd, so gotta go. But, I'm sure you all get the picture.

BTW, I'll log back onto IRC went I get back (approximately threee hours)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-23 05:54:40 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #738
env_render is on the right track, but that wouldn't work using a func_wall_toggle, since you can have ANY entities move with another in standard HL. Instead, you'd have to make two trains, one completely sealed, with no door, and one stationary with a door opening and a separate func_door. then use env_renders on the trains. Of course I haven't tried this yet, so their may be other problems with the solidity of the invisible train still blocking the player. Darn it, now you made have to go try it out! :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-22 23:29:46 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #732
You're welcome. One thing I noticed is using the target field of the monstermaker didn't seem to work for targetting the monsters own sequence. Not sure why that is. I had to use a multi_manager to target the sequence after the grunt spawned in. It needed a one or two second delay in my tests.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-22 22:52:48 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #731
Thanks for the suggestions, I will give it a try in my test maps.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-22 10:55:04 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #730
This requires a tutorial in itself. The monstermaker [which is in the 'misc' section of the entity guide] is a great entity, until you try to spawn something like a grunt.
The Childrens Name (netname) property allows you to give monsters spawned by a monstermaker a Name (targetname). When the monsters have a name, you can target them with a scripted_sequence and get them to perform that sequence, I haven't tried path_corners with grunts, As far as I know they are only good for Scientists and Barneys. Grunts respond really well to Aiscripted_sequences and scripted_sequences, It is basically a way to override their AI, as long as you don't killtarget them, and then the seem to freeze.
So as to the rushing the room, yes I think it can be done with a series of scripted_sequences even if they are spawned with a monstermaker, but the guy who has done this stuff recently is SlayerA. Can you add to this Slay?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 23:30:09 UTC
You can E-Mail me the level. I would be happy to have my children run through it and get their opinions. Of course, I would go through it also ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 23:21:19 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #729
Playing around with monster behaviors right now, and having a bit of a problem with monstermaker.

How can I get monsters created through monstermaker to follow path corners? I guessed it would be the target on release, but no such luck.

I am guessing my next wuestion would involve coding, but just in case. Is there a trigger or method to temporarily over-ride the AI?

For example:
Squad of grunts notice Freeman in a room. Can I get the squad to rush the room and into position, before allowing the games AI to take over?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 09:31:23 UTC
in u2u Post #1194
Make u2u system. simply huh?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 04:12:50 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #746
Sorry to say this, but you are just going to have to site search for code specific stuff. Are any of our members coders? If so, can you point Jage in the right direction.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-20 10:12:58 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #745
I can't just start coding without help! I'm beginner in coding! (but really ambitious beginner!)so... y'know? I need some info.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 19:35:12 UTC
in .rad Post #742
Check out the forum posts for In the Beginning Part 4. They might help. But basically, Hammer, during compile will look at your lights.rad file, unless you have told it to look elsewhere by using -lights file, on the HLRAD compile command. So your Lights.rad file should be in your WorldCraft/Hammer tools file as Tlax suggested. If it is there... consider copying the contents of your valve.rad to your lights.rad....
If that doesn't work, make sure the light texture you are using is actually listed in the lights.rad (This surprised me at first, I thought that textures that looked lit in the game would be in the lights.rad.... Wrong).
If it is none of the above, then I am out of Ideas....
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:50:10 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation & valid solid textur Post #735
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:45:51 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation & valid solid textur Post #734
I just did some vertex manipulation on two walls in a hallway with the texture C2A4_PAN2... And I got a error message saying it is not a valid solid texture and then the walls dissapeared... But if I keep the wall plain, it works.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:20:53 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #737
In orig. HL, an object can only be one entity.

The door following the train in HL is a trick - it's actually fixed while the train is moving.

You could use the 'render' trick: a fake door on the train that does nothing but is a func_wall_toggle.
The 'real' door, sitting on the platform, is rendered invisible (env_render) until the train arrives.
Then the real door is made visible and the fake one is turned off at the same time. Obviously this isn't a perfect solution.

The perfect solution is to get Spirit, a 'base' mod that allows, amongst other things... combined entities!
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:07:30 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #744
Bullet-time, eh? That'll be a fistful of C++ then :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 16:27:17 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #736
Howdy hoe, folks!

How do I make a door to follow the train... Like in the intro of the original Half-Life? Is there a way to combine the func_door and func_train or do I need to use a env_global? ...but I don't want to use the env_global to load a new map 'cos it's a Deathmatch map I'm creating...