Rope for crane? Created 18 years ago2006-11-21 13:09:21 UTC by Viktor Viktor

Created 18 years ago2006-11-21 13:09:21 UTC by Viktor Viktor

Posted 18 years ago2006-11-21 13:09:21 UTC Post #203539
Okay, I'm currently creating a crane that can move crates (quite funny, you know!). I have almost everything working, but the main issue is the rope. I need it to change it's length when the corresponding keyframe_rope is moved up and down (thanks to func_tracktrain, i managed that quite easily =)). However, even with the box "Auto Resize" checked, it won't get shorter, but remain dangling up there like a sausage froma dog's mouth :P.

Also, I'll post the complete map in "Example maps" perhaps - i simply love the way I implemented parent and tracktrain system in tha level! Although the controls are a bit stiff...
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-21 13:56:20 UTC Post #203543
No-no, I'll put in in Example maps AFTER i complete it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-12 19:05:17 UTC Post #205920
Take a look at the example map Counter-weighted Door for an example of a move_rope and mating keyframe_rope.

Assuming you have a move_rope with its "Next Keyframe" property set to the keyframe_rope, and you have the keyframe_rope Autoresize flag set, it sounds like the keyframe_rope isn't moving.

The keyframe_rope needs to be parented to a moving entity if you want the rope to change size. In the referenced example map, the keyframe_rope Parent property is set to a func_movelinear which is moved. I would think parenting the keyframe_rope to the func_tracktrain would work as well, assuming that you want the rope to change size as the tracktrain moves. If not, try another moveable entity such as a func_movelinear.

Also, make sure you have the Subdiv property of the keyframe_rope set to something reasonable (2 is probably plenty for a "straight-down" rope; 8 is maximum).

EDIT: I did a quick test map and it shows that a func_tracktrain works fine as the Parent property of the keyframe_rope. It shortens and lengthens relative to the move_rope as advertised.

Be sure you have the Slack property set to 0 so there isn't any extra rope length. I can't remember if it's the move_rope or keyframe_rope Slack that needs to be 0.
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