(CS:S) func_pushable help Created 17 years ago2007-01-12 19:38:42 UTC by Black Amulet Black Amulet

Created 17 years ago2007-01-12 19:38:42 UTC by Black Amulet Black Amulet

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-12 19:38:42 UTC Post #209468
I'm making a zombie map and the last forum i was on didnt help so im hoping that this one will. I have the func_pushable entity but need to know how do you make it move ONLY by shooting at and not by touch? :o
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-12 22:21:15 UTC Post #209471
Do you mean, it's frozen in air before you hit it with a bullet, after which point, it begins to move freely, but if you bump into it, it will stay frozen in the air until you shoot it?


Do you want it to freely move at the start of the map, and even if you can move it with bullets, you want the player NOT to be able to move it if he bumps into it?
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