help with models Created 17 years ago2007-05-30 15:18:57 UTC by death103 death103

Created 17 years ago2007-05-30 15:18:57 UTC by death103 death103

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 15:18:57 UTC Post #223833
wow, i've been looking into models, there so cool. I was going to add some moving models to my map but after extensive searching, i found i can't have animated models in cs.. lol. Oh well, learned the hard way. But is there any way to come close to any time of moving models in counter strike?
what i've done is setup a cycler_sprite with a sequence number of 1 to have my model moving in game. And i lowered the framerate to 1. of course this model is not solid, but that's easy to add a box in there... but is there another way of having models that move around like the hostage entity's? i tried changing the models of a hostage entity, but that doesn't work... but then i came across a monster_entity.. and that didn't work either.. just get a hostage with closed eyes...
isn't there a way i haven't come accross of yet??? would be nice to have a tree swaying in the wind also lol... comments?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 15:42:52 UTC Post #223835
For the tree swaying in the wind; if you're good enough with world brushes, you can just create a tree using func_walls and then for the "swaying in the wind part" just make the parts u want swaying into a func_pendulum.

And models can't move without coding, i dont think.
sry if i wasnt too big a help but thats what i know.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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