Im Finally starting a discussion thread about my Half-life one mod. If you dont know about my mod, you can read about it in my journal, also be sure to check out the first two maps i have in the vault.

intro map

first level

The storyline of the mod is as follows,
You play the role of a scientist from black mesa, who is sent to an orbiting Lamba lab space station. On the way to the station, the resonance cascade disaster happens. On board your small space craft, you and your crew lose contact with the station and black mesa. As the ship approaches to dock, everything appears normal. But when the tractor beam pulls your ship into the hangar, you realize something is very wrong...

The mod will have you fighting for your life aboard a crippled space station, fighting fierce alien troops, and ultimatly, finding a way home.

Im hoping to create interesting gameplay through the stations architecture, and just the fact that its in space. From the Cramped single-file sub access hallways, to the large central access hallways, offices, labs, and the power systems of the station, i plan to make interesting combat encounters.

In the mod i also want to portray the aliens in a different way, including cut-scenes that show them carefully planning theyre strategies. Custom alien sounds will help greatly for alien conversations :)

Please give me feedback on the maps, my gameplay concept, or feel free to ask questions.