New problem has arisen with the Cog Vault Door. I have it working at 110% (Its gorgeous and has basic sounds to be tweaked later, opens/closes/reverses direction only when it's supposed to, etc) but... something has occured.

When a physics object blocks the path, in the first known problem, my gun when I died (testing out damage when blocked) it stops the func_rotating from rotating, sometimes even the train from moving... this is a HUGE problem.

Makes the door look UGLY when it doesn't line back up with its door frame... a tag for 'startpos' seems to just crash my HL2DM soooooo.... yea.. Could use some help here on this, I don't want this multiplayer map to have one of its major doors off-rotation just cuz people get silly with stuff lol.

No comments? I played with solid BSP, it seems to give the desired result, at the cost that the teeth of the cog are no longer solids... (they are part of a func_rotating that can no longer be unbound together) I guess that will have to do.