Use this thread to discuss SD models, recommend certain SD models, give download links, give your opinions on them, what you think of them compared to the normal HL models/Blue-Shift high definition pack, stuff like that. Anything related to SD models basically. I'll start this off:
Favourite SD model: Ambient.Impact's HEV barney (See my av)
Second favourite: Ambient.Impact's HGrunt (You can get this on just about any SD model site)
Compared to Low definition models: Well, considering these SD models are better than the models in Perfect Dark, which are basically low def, these are outstanding compared to them.
Compared to Blue-Shift high definition pack: Still far superior to it, although the BS pack had some good things in it, like the new shotgun, and the M4A1 replacing the MP5.
Most recommended: Either the HEV barney, or the riot shield barney, since the riot shield actually works.
Vital links:
Half-Life Improvement Team
This site has links to things like Jed's HLMV, transparency dlls etc. in the forums. You can also make requests there, post modelling problems etc.
Sven Co-op
This mod came with some optional SD models. While they aren't as good as some of the ones on the HIT forums, they are still pretty good. You can make requests in the forums.
Art of War
Just about every kind of SD model you can think of, with only a couple of things missing...check the Sven Co-op section for HL models. For the missing models, just ask in HIT's forum (See above).
Bmoore's SD model site
Almost like an unfinished version of Art of War (See above), it has a large variety, but not all of the links are up yet. It's still worth looking at though, since you can get unique models such as an HEV suit scientist, and an HEV Barney that wears a helmet. Also has probably the largest collection of hacked SD HGrunts I've ever seen (20 last time I looked).
I wonder if my obsession is starting to worry people yet...