my hinge door does not work? Created 19 years ago2005-03-08 19:00:07 UTC by FoxFrost FoxFrost

Created 19 years ago2005-03-08 19:00:07 UTC by FoxFrost FoxFrost

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-08 19:00:07 UTC Post #95931
i made a hinge door and i followed a tutorial but my door just falls down any suggestions
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-08 21:50:37 UTC Post #95959
Well you need to use a func_door_rotating.

Create the door that will rotate. Then create a small brush where your hinges will be. texture the brush with "origin". And keep it a simple square. Select the main door part and the origin and group it together, then assign the "func_door_rotating" entity to it. You should end up with a rotating door that rotates wherever you put the origin brush. You can change the distance it moves, etc... You might need to change the axis it rotates around. Just mess around with the properties and look them up online.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-09 04:50:46 UTC Post #95999
Hope this helps. There are two other different door tutorials on there.
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