I put a barney in the map, then make an aiscripted_sequence that tells barney to run to a location. Then, I make a trigger_once that targets the aiscripted_sequence. Simple, right? Well, for some strange reason, I have to walk up to barney and make contact with him before the aiscripted_sequence is executed! It's a small map, so I shouldn't have to point out where barney and the aiscripted_sequence are.
The aiscripted_sequence does not have an Action Animation for barney to perform when he get's there...
But the main problem is that Barney can't see the sequence because it is inaccessable.
To get Barney to see it will require either info_node placement or widening the door.
Monster do not like tight spaces....
I suggest placing an info_node in the middle of the door and then scattering a pattern of them between Barny and the sequence.