Dungeon Death SP

Half-Life HL
Dungeon Death SP by Dark Tree
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-13 18:49:20 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Dungeon Death SP
Dark Tree Dark Tree
20 years ago2004-11-13 18:49:20 UTC
12 years ago2012-09-29 22:27:16 UTC
4.50 (6)
full star full star full star full star half star Download (9.6mb)

A castle with a large underground dungeon. Escape alive if you can. Read the readme.htm in the the zip for more info or read more at my site:


Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=aRowMylmBsk
Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=6ug5JQ-r5sw

Update 09/29/12 youtube links no longer private! Fixed html site URL.

update 5/12/10 Added youtube walkthroughs here

Update 1/20/06 Updated website with new screenshots

Update 08/28/05 I have re-packed the zip with 6 of the missing sprites from dt_3.bsp that would cause the game to crash.


Commented 20 years ago2004-11-14 15:41:49 UTC Comment #5045
mmm bad surface extents...??
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-15 17:53:14 UTC Comment #5062
my mistake? ;)






5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

(did I wrote right?)KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK!:)))
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-15 20:02:12 UTC Comment #5064
+Great challenge, lots of fun to play
+Consistent, quality endured (almost) to the end
+Plenty of new models & custom content
+Loved the little flame scene after the end credits
-Lighting sometimes seems to flood areas (like fullbright, but only half as bright :) The initial hallway is an exception to this.
-Big open room just before the gargantua room is ugly

4 stars overall, nice work.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-15 20:33:47 UTC Comment #5065
Hope you'll consider porting this to Source. It's released too close to HL2 debut, so it might not get as much audience as it deserves.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-15 23:09:47 UTC Comment #5067
NOOOO I wanna try it so bad but when I click new game it says "Invalid DLL"
??? WTF NOOO :( My Half-life has been acting weird lately, spirits DLL's dont work either..
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-20 22:20:01 UTC Comment #5121
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-20 22:22:29 UTC Comment #5122
CrAzY... try to create a normal game(like training room) and then just say changelevel dt_dungeon1(2 or 3) in the console! It worked for me
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-21 05:12:15 UTC Comment #5126
Damn good map / mod !!! There isn't anything I can complain about ! VERY, FRICKIN' WELL DONE !!
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-26 12:26:36 UTC Comment #5165
A lot has changed since I saw this the last time.
This is probably the map that brought me the most joy in the vault.

There are a few gameplaybugs, but nothing they player can't overcome with noclip.

I found the ZELDA like puzzle really good. And the end is very ... tempting. The music fits great.

Well done!
Commented 20 years ago2004-12-15 03:07:07 UTC Comment #5325
Where is it? The DOWNLOAD link doesn't work.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 02:17:24 UTC Comment #5492
Hey, great job the lighting was a little to bright but very nice work, but i was having some troubble loading dt_3 it says i wasd missing a muzzle flash sprite got and ideas what could have gone wrong?
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-10 15:18:27 UTC Comment #5589
That means you don't have the muzzle flash sprite in your sprites folder. Put the proper .spr file (found in the pak file) into your sprites folder :-)
Commented 19 years ago2005-03-03 03:26:00 UTC Comment #6174
Hmmm..thinking of porting this to source or HL2 with bugs removed and such....funny looking back at it how many things needed to be improved :-)
Commented 19 years ago2005-03-28 17:31:53 UTC Comment #6419
I was told on IRC that this map was good and it had a Zelda theme so I am gonna download!
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-24 06:54:31 UTC Comment #7418
Well tell me how you like it!
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-29 22:37:36 UTC Comment #8763
Just so you guys all know, I have re-packed this map with the 6 missing sprites from dt_3.bsp that would previously make the game crash.

I had forgotten to include the sprites in the zip, so, if you didn't have them, the game would crash upon loading the dt_3.bsp

Have fun gang! email me with any inquiries about the game.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-17 17:32:04 UTC Comment #10518

Great map!

I absolutly love the lighting. Great job man!
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-08 21:06:48 UTC Comment #5683
I just can't find anything to do, what am I missing?
Commented 15 years ago2009-11-19 11:29:54 UTC Comment #4522
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-19 19:45:45 UTC Comment #17973
very neat map, but i must say i don't have tons of patience for puzzles and mazes, though everything looks very well-done. (i quit at the tripmines.. were you supposed to drag the crate all the way over from the other side?)

maybe checkout the above walkthrough and try again later? maybe you should include a text walkthrough for us lazies, or better yet, have a button at the beginning that toggles "hints". (i've seen other puzzle maps that have a sprite or arrow pointing to where you should go if you opt for the hint, but i can't remember who the mapper was...)

anyway, very nicely-built map!

p.s. nice suit of armor/hev LOL!!

+great walktrhough video albeit very long(didn't even watch the whole thing, downloaded it.
+nice use of sound(saw from walktrhough)
-no custom splash a bit of a minus for such a big/nice project
-a little more texture variation would have been nice
-a little more detail/trim work would have also been nice
+puzzle ideas very well-done (from what i saw)
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-24 11:19:39 UTC Comment #18019
Superb fun this is a great work. I loved the disintegrating church and everything was so well designed. A bit hard though..
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-12 21:57:48 UTC Comment #18154
Wow thanks guys! I can't believe people are still playing this 6 years after release!! I am ashamed of some of the game-stopping bugs still existent in the game, though.

@Captain Terror: There are two sets of tripmines. Neither of which you need a box for... in fact, I am pretty sure a lip on the floor prevents you from bringing it over anyway. Also, before you can even get PASSED the tripmines, you must first pass through the church. If you haven't gotten THERE yet, do so first. To get to the church, you DO need the box (to get up and jump through the broken window over a rusted door nearby.)

Anywho... after you go through the church and come back again...

To get past the first set of tripmines, simply jump+duck over them. They are easily clearable by running then jumping+ducking over them.

To get over the second set of Tripmines, you will need the Bible (aka the remodeled and skinned satchel). The Satchel is being protected by 3 ceiling-mounted tentacles.

@jayne cobb: Yes it is difficult. It has too steep of a learning curve among other things. Thank you for playing! I am working on a new mod this summer based on the HL2E2 engine, and hope to re-make dungeon death someday with all of my knowledge learned over the years...
Commented 10 years ago2014-01-12 16:39:50 UTC Comment #20421
Well I played this out of curiosity. I'm going to voice my opinion by keeping in mind that it was made 9 years ago.

Its atmosphere and design of architecture( which in some areas is good, but most of the halls are poorly detailed and use the same texture everywhere) strongly reminds me of Tomb Raider gameplay. Some of the puzzles were quite hard to figure out( there was a lack of consistency of what grates are "doors" and what grates are breakables), and honestly I cheated at some point by noclipping.

It was satisfying.

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